{ > Now that I need to make a .ANS bulletin Type File, I was wondering > how to Write from a Pascal Program, ANSI control Characters to a > File and produce nice color bulletin screen to be displayed by RA. The following Unit will enable you to Write Ansi sequences to a Text File Without having to look them up yourself. It enables you to do this using the (easier) Crt Unit style of commands, and provides the optimum Ansi sequence to do the job. } Unit AnsiOut; {1. Contains reduced set of Procedures from AnsiCrt Unit by I.Hinson.} {2. Modified to provide output to a Text File.} Interface Const Black = 0; Blue = 1; Green = 2; Cyan = 3; Red = 4; Magenta = 5; Brown = 6; LightGray = 7; DarkGray = 8; LightBlue = 9; LightGreen = 10; LightCyan = 11; LightRed = 12; LightMagenta = 13; Yellow = 14; White = 15; Blink = 128; Var AnsiFile: Text; Procedure TextColor(fore : Byte); Procedure TextBackGround(back : Byte); Procedure NormVideo; Procedure LowVideo; Procedure HighVideo; Procedure ClrEol; Procedure ClrScr; Implementation Const forestr: Array[Black..LightGray] of String[2] = ('30','34','32','36','31','35','33','37'); backstr: Array[Black..LightGray] of String[2] = ('40','44','42','46','41','45','43','47'); decisiontree: Array[Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean] of Integer = ((((0,1),(2,0)),((1,1),(3,3))),(((4,5),(6,4)),((0,5),(2,0)))); Var forecolour, backcolour: Byte; { stores last colours set } boldstate, blinkstate: Boolean; Procedure TextColor(fore : Byte); Var blinknow, boldnow: Boolean; outstr: String; begin blinknow := (fore and $80) = $80; boldnow := (fore and $08) = $08; fore := fore and $07; { mask out intensity and blink attributes } forecolour := fore; Case decisiontree[blinknow, blinkstate, boldnow, boldstate] OF 0: outstr := Concat(#27,'[',forestr[fore],'m'); 1: outstr := Concat(#27,'[0;',backstr[backcolour],';',forestr[fore],'m'); 2: outstr := Concat(#27,'[1;',forestr[fore],'m'); 3: outstr := Concat(#27,'[0;1;',backstr[backcolour],';',forestr[fore],'m'); 4: outstr := Concat(#27,'[5;',forestr[fore],'m'); 5: outstr := Concat(#27,'[0;5;',backstr[backcolour],';',forestr[fore],'m'); 6: outstr := Concat(#27,'[1;5;',forestr[fore],'m'); end; { Case } Write(AnsiFile,outstr); blinkstate := blinknow; boldstate := boldnow; end; Procedure TextBackGround(back: Byte); Var outString: String; begin if Back > 7 then Exit; { No such thing as bright or blinking backgrounds } BackColour := Back; outString := Concat(#27,'[',backstr[back],'m'); Write(AnsiFile,outString) end; Procedure NormVideo; begin Write(AnsiFile,#27'[0m'); forecolour := LightGray; backcolour := Black; boldstate := False; blinkstate := False end; Procedure LowVideo; begin if blinkstate then forecolour := forecolour or $80; { retain blinking } TextColor(forecolour); { stored forecolour never contains bold attr } end; Procedure HighVideo; begin if not boldstate then begin boldstate := True; Write(AnsiFile,#27,'[1m') end; end; Procedure ClrEol; begin Write(AnsiFile,#27'[K') end; Procedure ClrScr; begin Write(AnsiFile,#27'[2J'); end; begin forecolour := LightGray; backcolour := Black; boldstate := False; blinkstate := False end. ___------------------------------------------------------------------ Program Demo; Uses AnsiOut; begin Assign(AnsiFile,'CON'); { or a File - e.g. 'MYSCREEN.ANS' } ReWrite(AnsiFile); ClrScr; TextColor(Blue); TextBackGround(LightGray); Writeln(AnsiFile,' Blue Text on LightGray '); HighVideo; Write(AnsiFile,' Now the Text is LightBlue '); TextBackground(Red); Writeln(AnsiFile,' on a Red background'); TextColor(Black+Blink); TextBackground(Cyan); Writeln(AnsiFile,' Blinking Black '); TextBackGround(Green); ClrEol; { a blank Green line } (53 min left), (H)elp, More? Writeln(AnsiFile); NormVideo; Close(AnsiFile); end.