{=========================================================================== Date: 10-10-93 (13:21) From: GUY MCLOUGHLIN Subj: Ansi in TP 6.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------} (* Program to demonstrate how to do display ANSI files *) program ShowANSI; uses crt; (* Required for "ClrScr" and "Delay" routines. *) const (* ANSI display delay factor in 1/1000th's of a second *) co_DelayFactor = 40; type (* Type definition. *) st_80 = string[80]; (***** Check for I/O errors. *) (* *) procedure CheckErrors(st_Msg : st_80); var by_Temp : byte; begin by_Temp := ioresult; if (by_Temp <> 0) then begin writeln('Error = ', by_Temp, ' ', st_Msg); halt end end; (* CheckErrors. *) var (* Temporary string varialble. *) st_Temp : string; (* Temporary text file variable. *) fite_Temp, (* Text "device-driver". *) fite_ANSI : text; (* Main program execution block. *) BEGIN (* Assign "text-device" driver to standard output. *) assign(fite_ANSI, ''); (* Attempt to open the ANSI "text-device" driver. *) {$I-} rewrite(fite_ANSI); {$I+} (* Check for I/O errors. *) CheckErrors('Opening ANSI device driver'); (* Assign ANSI ART file to display. *) assign(fite_Temp, 'TEST.ANS'); {$I-} reset(fite_Temp); {$I+} (* Check for I/O errors. *) CheckErrors('Opening TEST.ANS file'); (* Clear the screen. *) clrscr; (* Diplay the ANSI ART file. While the end of the *) (* ANSI ART file has not been reached, do... *) while not eof(fite_Temp) do begin (* Read line of text from the ANSI ART file. *) readln(fite_Temp, st_Temp); (* Check for I/O errors. *) CheckErrors('Reading from TEST.ANS file'); (* Delay for co_DelayFactor milli-seconds. *) delay(co_DelayFactor); (* Write the line of ANSI text to the "text-device *) (* driver". *) writeln(fite_ANSI, st_Temp); (* Check for I/O errors. *) CheckErrors('Writing to ANSI "text-device driver"') end; (* Close the ANSI ART text file. *) close(fite_Temp); (* Check for I/O errors. *) CheckErrors('Closing TEST.ANS'); (* Close the ANSI "text device driver". *) close(fite_ANSI); (* Check for I/O errors. *) CheckErrors('Closing ANSI "text-device driver"') END.