{ MAYNARD PHILBROOK > I am having troubles displaying an ANSI codes from a Text File. I can do it > fine With the full screen, but I have trouble trying to do it Within a > Window. if I use the usual ASSIGN (Con, ''); WriteLn (Con, AnsiText); > IT works fine, but not Within a Window. The Con TextFile seems to ignore > Window limitations, and I can understand that. My question is how to get > around it? Do I have to use an ANSI Unit which converts ANSI codes to > TP color codes? I am looking For such a Unit, but is that the only TP Windows is Directly Writeln to the Screen memory, You can how ever Redirect Dos to a TP Window. } {$M 1024, 0, 1000} Uses Dos, Crt; Var Old_Vect : Pointer; Procedure Redirect_OutPut(Character : Char); Interrupt; begin Write(Character); end; begin GetIntVec($29, Old_Vect); { Save Old Vector } SetIntVec($29, @Redirect_OutPut); Window(10, 3, 70, 20); Exec(' MainProgram ',''); { all output using WriteLn(Con,'????') } SetIntVec($29, Old_Vect); { to this Window } Halt(DosError); end;