{ From: GREG ESTABROOKS Subj: ANS->BIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DT> I'm looking for some kinda code which will convert an ANSI file DT> to a raw binary file (<-Or Something that can be directly written to DT> the screen, without decoding). Something which converts an ansi file, say DT>24-255 lines to an array which holds ,,,ect..just DT>like video memory. Can anybody help me out here? Just feed the ansi into the CON and then dump the contents of video memory to a file. Heres a demo of how to do it. NOTE: this does not check file IO so if the file doesn't exist it'll cause a runtime error. Call it like this: ANSDUMP AnsiFile DumpFile } {***********************************************************************} PROGRAM AnsiDump; { Dec 09/93, Greg Estabrooks. } USES CRT; { IMPORT Clrscr,Writeln } VAR Con, { File handle to the Console. } InFile :TEXT; { File that contains ANSI info. } OutFile:FILE; { File to send new info to. } BuffStr:STRING; { Holds string read from Ansi File. } BEGIN Clrscr; { Clear any screen clutter. } Assign(InFile,ParamStr(1)); { Open Ansi File. } Reset(InFile); Assign(Con,''); { Assign Con to the Console. } ReWrite(Con); { Set it for writing to. } Assign(OutFile,ParamStr(2)); { Open file to send dump to. } ReWrite(OutFile); WHILE NOT Eof(InFile) DO { Loop through entire ansi file. } BEGIN Readln(InFile,BuffStr); { Read line from file. } Writeln(Con,BuffStr); { Write line to console. } END; { Now block write entire contents of text} { video memory to file. } BlockWrite(OutFile,MEM[$B800:0000],4000); Close(OutFile); { Close dump file. } Close(Con); Close(InFile); { Close ansi file. } Readln; END.