Program TestComp; { tests Compression } { kludgy test of Compress Unit } Uses Crt, Dos, Compress; Const NumofStrings = 5; Var ch : Char; LongestStringLength,i,j,len : Integer; Textfname,Compfname : String; TextFile : Text; ByteFile : File; CompArr : tCompressedStringArray; st : Array[1..NumofStrings] of String; Rec : SearchRec; BigArr : Array[1..5000] of Byte; Arr : Array[1..NumofStrings] of tCompressedStringArray; begin Writeln('note: No I/O checking in this test.'); Write('Test ompress or nCompress? '); Repeat ch := upCase(ReadKey); Until ch in ['C','U',#27]; if ch = #27 then halt; Writeln(ch); if ch = 'C' then begin Writeln('Enter ',NumofStrings,' Strings:'); LongestStringLength := 0; For i := 1 to NumofStrings do begin Write(i,': '); readln(st[i]); if length(st[i]) > LongestStringLength then LongestStringLength := length(st[i]); end; Writeln; Writeln('Enter name of File to store unCompressed Strings in.'); Writeln('ANY EXISTinG File With THIS NAME WILL BE OVERWRITTEN.'); readln(Textfname); assign(TextFile,Textfname); reWrite(TextFile); For i := 1 to NumofStrings do Writeln(TextFile,st[i]); close(TextFile); Writeln; Writeln('Enter name of File to store Compressed Strings in.'); Writeln('ANY EXISTinG File With THIS NAME WILL BE OVERWRITTEN.'); readln(Compfname); assign(ByteFile,Compfname); reWrite(ByteFile,1); For i := 1 to NumofStrings do begin CompressString(st[i],CompArr,len); blockWrite(ByteFile,CompArr,len); end; close(ByteFile); FindFirst(Textfname,AnyFile,Rec); Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('Size of Text File storing Strings: ',Rec.Size); Writeln; Writeln('Using Typed Files, a File of Type String[', LongestStringLength, '] would be necessary.'); Writeln('That would be ', (LongestStringLength+1)*NumofStrings, ' long, including length Bytes.'); Writeln; FindFirst(Compfname,AnyFile,Rec); Writeln('Size of the Compressed File: ',Rec.Size); Writeln; Writeln('Now erase the Text File, and run this Program again, choosing'); Writeln('nCompress to show that the Compression retains all info.'); end else begin { ch = 'U' } Write('Name of Compressed File: '); readln(Compfname); assign(ByteFile,Compfname); reset(ByteFile,1); blockread(ByteFile,BigArr,Filesize(ByteFile)); close(ByteFile); For j := 1 to NumofStrings do begin i := 1; While BigArr[i] <> 0 do inc(i); move(BigArr[1],Arr[j],i); move(BigArr[i+1],BigArr[1],sizeof(BigArr)); end; For i := 1 to NumofStrings do st[i] := GetCompressedString(Arr[i]); For i := 1 to NumofStrings do Writeln(st[i]); end; end.