(* From: IAN HUNTER Subj: LZW Compression Unit *) Unit IHLZW; {- Unit to handle data compression } Interface Const StackOverFlow = 1; DeniedWrite = 2; Type GetCharFunc = Function (Var Ch : Char) : Boolean; PutCharProc = Procedure (Ch : Char); LZW = Object GetChar : GetCharFunc; PutChar : PutCharProc; LastError : Word; Constructor Init; Function Get_Hash_Code (PrevC, FollC : Integer) : Integer; Procedure Make_Table_Entry (PrevC, FollC: Integer); Procedure Initialize_String_Table; Procedure Initialize; Function Lookup_String (PrevC, FollC : Integer) : Integer; Procedure Get_Char (Var C : Integer); Procedure Put_Char (C : Integer); Procedure Compress; Procedure Decompress; End; Implementation Const MaxTab = 4095; No_Prev = $7FFF; EOF_Char = -2; End_List = -1; Empty = -3; Type AnyStr = String; String_Table_Entry = Record Used : Boolean; PrevChar : Integer; FollChar : Integer; Next : Integer; End; Var String_Table : Array [0..MaxTab] Of String_Table_Entry; Table_Used : Integer; Output_Code : Integer; Input_Code : Integer; If_Compressing : Boolean; Constructor LZW.Init; Begin LastError := 0; End; Function LZW.Get_Hash_Code (PrevC, FollC : Integer) : Integer; Var Index : Integer; Index2 : Integer; Begin Index := ((PrevC SHL 5) XOR FollC) AND MaxTab; If (Not String_Table [Index].Used) Then Get_Hash_Code := Index Else Begin While (String_Table[Index].Next <> End_List) Do Index := String_Table[Index].Next; Index2 := (Index + 101) And MaxTab; While (String_Table[Index2].Used) Do Index2 := Succ (Index2) AND MaxTab; String_Table[Index].Next := Index2; Get_Hash_Code := Index2; End; End; Procedure LZW.Make_Table_Entry (PrevC, FollC: Integer); Begin If (Table_Used <= MaxTab ) Then Begin With String_Table [Get_Hash_Code (PrevC , FollC)] Do Begin Used := True; Next := End_List; PrevChar := PrevC; FollChar := FollC; End; Inc (Table_Used); (* IF ( Table_Used > ( MaxTab + 1 ) ) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Hash table full.'); END; *) End; End; Procedure LZW.Initialize_String_Table; Var I : Integer; Begin Table_Used := 0; For I := 0 to MaxTab Do With String_Table[I] Do Begin PrevChar := No_Prev; FollChar := No_Prev; Next := -1; Used := False; End; For I := 0 to 255 Do Make_Table_Entry (No_Prev, I); End; Procedure LZW.Initialize; Begin Output_Code := Empty; Input_Code := Empty; Initialize_String_Table; End; Function LZW.Lookup_String (PrevC, FollC: Integer) : Integer; Var Index : Integer; Index2 : Integer; Found : Boolean; Begin Index := ((PrevC Shl 5) Xor FollC) And MaxTab; Lookup_String := End_List; Repeat Found := (String_Table[Index].PrevChar = PrevC) And (String_Table[Index].FollChar = FollC); If (Not Found) Then Index := String_Table [Index].Next; Until Found Or (Index = End_List); If Found Then Lookup_String := Index; End; Procedure LZW.Get_Char (Var C : Integer); Var Ch : Char; Begin If Not GetChar (Ch) Then C := EOF_Char Else C := Ord (Ch); End; Procedure LZW.Put_Char (C : Integer); Var Ch : Char; Begin Ch := Chr (C); PutChar (Ch); End; Procedure LZW.Compress; Procedure Put_Code (Hash_Code : Integer); Begin If (Output_Code = Empty) Then Begin Put_Char ((Hash_Code Shr 4) And $FF); Output_Code := Hash_Code And $0F; End Else Begin Put_Char (((Output_Code Shl 4) And $FF0) + ((Hash_Code Shr 8) And $00F)); Put_Char (Hash_Code And $FF); Output_Code := Empty; End; End; Procedure Do_Compression; Var C : Integer; WC : Integer; W : Integer; Begin Get_Char (C); W := Lookup_String (No_Prev, C); Get_Char (C); While (C <> EOF_Char) Do Begin WC := Lookup_String (W, C); If (WC = End_List) Then Begin Make_Table_Entry (W, C ); Put_Code (W); W := Lookup_String (No_Prev, C); End Else W := WC; Get_Char( C ); End; Put_Code (W); End; Begin If_Compressing := True; Initialize; Do_Compression; End; Procedure LZW.Decompress; Const MaxStack = 4096; Var Stack : Array [1..MaxStack] Of Integer; Stack_Pointer : Integer; Procedure Push (C : Integer); Begin Inc (Stack_Pointer); Stack [Stack_Pointer] := C; If (Stack_Pointer >= MaxStack) Then Begin LastError := 1; Exit; End; End; Procedure Pop (Var C : Integer); Begin; If (Stack_Pointer > 0) Then Begin C := Stack [Stack_Pointer]; Dec (Stack_Pointer); End Else C := Empty; End; Procedure Get_Code (Var Hash_Code : Integer); Var Local_Buf : Integer; Begin If (Input_Code = Empty) Then Begin Get_Char (Local_Buf); If (Local_Buf = EOF_Char) Then Begin Hash_Code := EOF_Char; Exit; End; Get_Char (Input_Code); If (Input_Code = EOF_Char) Then Begin Hash_Code := EOF_Char; Exit; End; Hash_Code := ((Local_Buf Shl 4) And $FF0) + ((Input_Code Shr 4) And $00F); Input_Code := Input_Code And $0F; End Else Begin Get_Char (Local_Buf); If (Local_Buf = EOF_Char) Then Begin Hash_Code := EOF_Char; Exit; End; Hash_Code := Local_Buf + ((Input_Code Shl 8) And $F00); Input_Code := Empty; End; End; Procedure Do_Decompression; Var C : Integer; Code : Integer; Old_Code : Integer; Fin_Char : Integer; In_Code : Integer; Last_Char : Integer; Unknown : Boolean; Temp_C : Integer; Begin Stack_Pointer := 0; Unknown := False; Get_Code (Old_Code); Code := Old_Code; C := String_Table[Code].FollChar; Put_Char (C); Fin_Char := C; Get_Code (In_Code); While (In_Code <> EOF_Char) Do Begin Code := In_Code; If (Not String_Table [Code].Used) Then Begin Last_Char := Fin_Char; Code := Old_Code; Unknown := TRUE; End; While (String_Table [Code].PrevChar <> No_Prev) Do With String_Table[Code] Do Begin Push (FollChar); If (LastError <> 0) Then Exit; Code := PrevChar; End; Fin_Char := String_Table [Code].FollChar; Put_Char (Fin_Char); Pop (Temp_C); While (Temp_C <> Empty) Do Begin Put_Char (Temp_C); Pop (Temp_C); End; If Unknown Then Begin Fin_Char := Last_Char; Put_Char (Fin_Char); Unknown := FALSE; End; Make_Table_Entry (Old_Code, Fin_Char); Old_Code := In_Code; Get_Code( In_Code ); End; End; Begin If_Compressing := False; Initialize; Do_Decompression; End; End. (* ***************************** TEST PROGRAM ****************** *) Program LZWTest; { program to demo/test the LZW object } Uses IHLZW; { Only needs this } Var C : LZW; { The Star of the Show; the Compression Object } {$F+} Function GetTheChar (Var Ch : Char) : Boolean; {$F-} { Make your GetChar routine's declaration look exactly like this } Begin If Not Eof (Input) { End of Input? } Then Begin Read (Input, Ch); { Then read one character into Ch and ... } GetTheChar := True; { ... Return True } End Else GetTheChar := False; { Otherwise return False } End; {$F+} Procedure PutTheChar (Ch : Char); {$F-} { Make your PutChar routine's declaration look exactly like this } Begin Write (Output, Ch); { Write Ch to Output file } End; Begin { Open data files } Assign (Input, ''); { Standard Input; requires redirection to be useful } Assign (Output, ''); { Standard Output; requires redirection to be useful } Reset (Input); Rewrite (Output); { Can't fail yet -- maybe a descendant could, though... } If not C.Init Then Halt; { Assign I/O routines } C.GetChar := GetTheChar; { Set LZW's GetChar to routine GetTheChar } C.PutChar := PutTheChar; { Set LZW's PutChar to routine PutTheChar } { are we compressing or decompressing? } If (ParamCount = 0) Then C.Compress { compress } Else C.Decompress; { decompress } { All Done! } End.