{ Hello Thomas, On 26.06.94 you wrote in area PASCAL to subject "Arithmetic compression": TW> But where can we get a discription of this compression method ?? Michael Barnsley, Lyman Hurd, "Fractal Image Compression", AK Peters, 1993 Mark Nelson, "The Data Compression Book", M&T Books, 1991 Ian Witten, Radford Neal, John Cleary, "Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression", CACM, Vol. 30, No.6, 1987 Below is a small source from the 1st book, translated into Pascal and adopted to work on the uppercase alphabet to demonstrate the basic principles. For a simple explanation, the program uses the letters of the input string to "drive" the starting point through the real interval 0.0 .. 1.0 By this process, every possible input string stops at a unique point, that is: a point (better: a small interval section) represents the whole string. To _decode_ it, you have to reverse the process: you start at the given end point and apply the reverse transformation, noting which intervals you are touching at your voyage throughout the computation. Due to the restricted arithmetic resolution of any computer language, the max. length of a string will be restricted, too (try it out with TYPE REAL=EXTENDED, for example); this happens when the value "underflows" the computers precision. } {$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,G-,I+,L+,N+,O-,P+,Q-,R+,S+,T-,V+,X+,Y+} {$M 16384,0,655360} PROGRAM arithmeticCompression; USES CRT; CONST charSet:STRING='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '; size=27; {=Length(charSet)} p:ARRAY[1..size] OF REAL= (* found empirically *) ( 6.1858296469E-02, 1.1055412402E-02, 2.6991022453E-02, 2.6030374520E-02, 9.2418577127E-02, 2.1864028512E-02, 1.4977615842E-02, 2.8410764564E-02, 5.5247871050E-02, 1.3985123226E-03, 3.8001321554E-03, 3.2593032914E-02, 2.1919756707E-02, 5.2434924064E-02, 5.7837905257E-02, 2.0364674693E-02, 1.0031075103E-03, 4.9730779744E-02, 4.8056280170E-02, 7.2072478498E-02, 2.0948493879E-02, 8.2477728625E-03, 1.0299101184E-02, 4.7873173243E-03, 1.3613601926E-02, 2.7067980437E-03, 2.3933136781E-01 ); VAR psum:ARRAY[1..size] OF REAL; FUNCTION Encode(CONST s:STRING):REAL; VAR i,po:INTEGER; offset,len:REAL; BEGIN offset:=0.0; len:=1.0; FOR i:=1 TO Length(s) DO BEGIN po:=POS(s[i],charSet); IF po<>0 THEN BEGIN offset:=offset+len*psum[po]; len:=len*p[po] END ELSE BEGIN WRITELN('only input chars ',charSet,' allowed!'); Halt(1) END; END; Encode:=offset+len/2; END; FUNCTION Decode(x:REAL; n:BYTE):STRING; VAR i,j:INTEGER; s:STRING; BEGIN IF (x<0.0) OR (x>1.0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('must lie in the range [0..1]'); Halt(1) END; FOR i:=1 TO n DO BEGIN j:=size; WHILE x