{ Well here it is as promised. This is a Pascal port of Ross Data compression. This particular unit does no buffer compression/decompression but you can add it if you want. The C implementation I did has Buffer to file compression and file to buffer decompression. This is a freebie and is availble for SWAG if they want it. Common data types unit I use a lot. Looks like Delphi incorporated similar types. } (* Common data types and structures. *) Unit Common; Interface Type PByte = ^Byte; ByteArray = Array[0..65000] Of Byte; PByteArray = ^ByteArray; PInteger = ^Integer; IntArray = Array[0..32000] Of Integer; PIntArray = ^IntArray; PWord = ^Word; WordArray = Array[0..32000] Of Word; PWordArray = ^WordArray; Implementation END. (*************************************************** * RDC Unit * * * * This is a Pascal port of C code from an article * * In "The C Users Journal", 1/92 Written by * * Ed Ross. * * * * This particular code has worked well under, * * Real, Protected and Windows. * * * * The compression is not quite as good as PKZIP * * but it decompresses about 5 times faster. * ***************************************************) Unit RDCUnit; Interface Uses Common; Procedure Comp_FileToFile(Var infile, outfile: File); Procedure Decomp_FileToFile(Var infile, outfile: File); Implementation Const HASH_LEN = 4096; { # hash table entries } HASH_SIZE = HASH_LEN * Sizeof(word); BUFF_LEN = 16384; { size of disk io buffer } (* compress inbuff_len bytes of inbuff into outbuff using hash_len entries in hash_tbl. return length of outbuff, or "0 - inbuff_len" if inbuff could not be compressed. *) Function rdc_compress(ibuff : Pointer; inbuff_len : Word; obuff : Pointer; htable : Pointer) : Integer; Var inbuff : PByte Absolute ibuff; outbuff : PByte Absolute obuff; hash_tbl : PWordArray Absolute htable; in_idx : PByte; in_idxa : PByteArray absolute in_idx; inbuff_end : PByte; anchor : PByte; pat_idx : PByte; cnt : Word; gap : Word; c : Word; hash : Word; hashlen : Word; ctrl_idx : PWord; ctrl_bits : Word; ctrl_cnt : Word; out_idx : PByte; outbuff_end : PByte; Begin in_idx := inbuff; inbuff_end := Pointer(LongInt(inbuff) + inbuff_len); ctrl_idx := Pointer(outbuff); ctrl_cnt := 0; out_idx := Pointer(longint(outbuff) + Sizeof(Word)); outbuff_end := Pointer(LongInt(outbuff) + (inbuff_len - 48)); { skip the compression for a small buffer } If inbuff_len <= 18 Then Begin Move(outbuff, inbuff, inbuff_len); rdc_compress := 0 - inbuff_len; Exit; End; { adjust # hash entries so hash algorithm can use 'and' instead of 'mod' } hashlen := HASH_LEN - 1; { scan thru inbuff } While LongInt(in_idx) < LongInt(inbuff_end) Do Begin { make room for the control bits and check for outbuff overflow } If ctrl_cnt = 16 Then Begin ctrl_idx^ := ctrl_bits; ctrl_cnt := 1; ctrl_idx := Pointer(out_idx); Inc(word(out_idx), 2); If LongInt(out_idx) > LongInt(outbuff_end) Then Begin Move(outbuff, inbuff, inbuff_len); rdc_compress := inbuff_len; Exit; End; End Else Inc(ctrl_cnt); { look for rle } anchor := in_idx; c := in_idx^; Inc(in_idx); While (LongInt(in_idx) < longint(inbuff_end)) And (in_idx^ = c) And (LongInt(in_idx) - LongInt(anchor) < (HASH_LEN + 18)) Do Inc(in_idx); { store compression code if character is repeated more than 2 times } cnt := LongInt(in_idx) - LongInt(anchor); If cnt > 2 Then Begin If cnt <= 18 Then { short rle } Begin out_idx^ := cnt - 3; Inc(out_idx); out_idx^ := c; Inc(out_idx); End Else { long rle } Begin Dec(cnt, 19); out_idx^ := 16 + (cnt and $0F); Inc(out_idx); out_idx^ := cnt Shr 4; Inc(out_idx); out_idx^ := c; Inc(out_idx); End; ctrl_bits := (ctrl_bits Shl 1) Or 1; Continue; End; { look for pattern if 2 or more characters remain in the input buffer } in_idx := anchor; If (LongInt(inbuff_end) - LongInt(in_idx)) > 2 Then Begin { locate offset of possible pattern in sliding dictionary } hash := ((((in_idxa^[0] And 15) Shl 8) Or in_idxa^[1]) Xor ((in_idxa^[0] Shr 4) Or (in_idxa^[2] Shl 4))) And hashlen; pat_idx := in_idx; Word(pat_idx) := hash_tbl^[hash]; hash_tbl^[hash] := Word(in_idx); { compare characters if we're within 4098 bytes } gap := LongInt(in_idx) - LongInt(pat_idx); If (gap <= HASH_LEN + 2) Then Begin While (LongInt(in_idx) < LongInt(inbuff_end)) And (LongInt(pat_idx) < LongInt(anchor)) And (pat_idx^ = in_idx^) And (LongInt(in_idx) - LongInt(anchor) < 271) Do Begin Inc(in_idx); Inc(pat_idx); End; { store pattern if it is more than 2 characters } cnt := LongInt(in_idx) - LongInt(anchor); If cnt > 2 Then Begin Dec(gap, 3); If cnt <= 15 Then { short pattern } Begin out_idx^ := (cnt Shl 4) + (gap And $0F); Inc(out_idx); out_idx^ := gap Shr 4; Inc(out_idx); End Else { long pattern } Begin out_idx^ := 32 + (gap And $0F); Inc(out_idx); out_idx^ := gap Shr 4; Inc(out_idx); out_idx^ := cnt - 16; Inc(out_idx); End; ctrl_bits := (ctrl_bits Shl 1) Or 1; Continue; End; End; End; { can't compress this character so copy it to outbuff } out_idx^ := c; Inc(out_idx); Inc(anchor); in_idx := anchor; ctrl_bits := ctrl_bits Shl 1; End; { save last load of control bits } ctrl_bits := ctrl_bits Shl (16 - ctrl_cnt); ctrl_idx^ := ctrl_bits; { and return size of compressed buffer } rdc_compress := LongInt(out_idx) - LongInt(outbuff); End; (* decompress inbuff_len bytes of inbuff into outbuff. return length of outbuff. *) Function RDC_Decompress(inbuff : PByte; inbuff_len : Word; outbuff : PByte) : Integer; Var ctrl_bits : Word; ctrl_mask : Word; inbuff_idx : PByte; outbuff_idx : PByte; inbuff_end : PByte; cmd, cnt : Word; ofs, len : Word; outbuff_src : PByte; Begin ctrl_mask := 0; inbuff_idx := inbuff; outbuff_idx := outbuff; inbuff_end := Pointer(LongInt(inbuff) + inbuff_len); { process each item in inbuff } While LongInt(inbuff_idx) < LongInt(inbuff_end) Do Begin { get new load of control bits if needed } ctrl_mask := ctrl_mask Shr 1; If ctrl_mask = 0 Then Begin ctrl_bits := PWord(inbuff_idx)^; Inc(inbuff_idx, 2); ctrl_mask := $8000; End; { just copy this char if control bit is zero } If (ctrl_bits And ctrl_mask) = 0 Then Begin outbuff_idx^ := inbuff_idx^; Inc(outbuff_idx); Inc(inbuff_idx); Continue; End; { undo the compression code } cmd := (inbuff_idx^ Shr 4) And $0F; cnt := inbuff_idx^ And $0F; Inc(inbuff_idx); Case cmd Of 0 : { short rle } Begin Inc(cnt, 3); FillChar(outbuff_idx^, cnt, inbuff_idx^); Inc(inbuff_idx); Inc(outbuff_idx, cnt); End; 1 : { long rle } Begin Inc(cnt, inbuff_idx^ Shl 4); Inc(inbuff_idx); Inc(cnt, 19); FillChar(outbuff_idx^, cnt, inbuff_idx^); Inc(inbuff_idx); Inc(outbuff_idx, cnt); End; 2 : { long pattern } Begin ofs := cnt + 3; Inc(ofs, inbuff_idx^ Shl 4); Inc(inbuff_idx); cnt := inbuff_idx^; Inc(inbuff_idx); Inc(cnt, 16); outbuff_src := Pointer(LongInt(outbuff_idx) - ofs); Move(outbuff_src^, outbuff_idx^, cnt); Inc(outbuff_idx, cnt); End; Else { short pattern} Begin ofs := cnt + 3; Inc(ofs, inbuff_idx^ Shl 4); Inc(inbuff_idx); outbuff_src := Pointer(LongInt(outbuff_idx) - ofs); Move(outbuff_src^, outbuff_idx^, cmd); Inc(outbuff_idx, cmd); End; End; End; { return length of decompressed buffer } RDC_Decompress := LongInt(outbuff_idx) - LongInt(outbuff); End; Procedure Comp_FileToFile(Var infile, outfile: File); Var code : Integer; bytes_read : Integer; compress_len : Integer; HashPtr : PWordArray; inputbuffer, outputbuffer : PByteArray; Begin Getmem(HashPtr, HASH_SIZE); Fillchar(hashPtr^, HASH_SIZE, #0); Getmem(inputbuffer, BUFF_LEN); Getmem(outputbuffer, BUFF_LEN); { read infile BUFF_LEN bytes at a time } bytes_read := BUFF_LEN; While bytes_read = BUFF_LEN Do Begin Blockread(infile, inputbuffer^, BUFF_LEN, bytes_read); { compress this load of bytes } compress_len := RDC_Compress(PByte(inputbuffer), bytes_read, PByte(outputbuffer), HashPtr); { write length of compressed buffer } Blockwrite(outfile, compress_len, 2, code); { check for negative length indicating the buffer could not be compressed } If compress_len < 0 Then compress_len := 0 - compress_len; { write the buffer } Blockwrite(outfile, outputbuffer^, compress_len, code); { we're done if less than full buffer was read } End; { add trailer to indicate End of File } compress_len := 0; Blockwrite(outfile, compress_len, 2, code); { If (code <> 2) then err_exit('Error writing trailer.'+#13+#10); } Freemem(HashPtr, HASH_SIZE); Freemem(inputbuffer, BUFF_LEN); Freemem(outputbuffer, BUFF_LEN); End; Procedure Decomp_FileToFile(Var infile, outfile: File); Var code : Integer; block_len : Integer; decomp_len : Integer; HashPtr : PWordArray; inputbuffer, outputbuffer : PByteArray; Begin Getmem(inputbuffer, BUFF_LEN); Getmem(outputbuffer, BUFF_LEN); { read infile BUFF_LEN bytes at a time } block_len := 1; While block_len <> 0 do Begin Blockread(infile, block_len, 2, code); { If (code <> 2) then err_exit('Can''t read block length.'+#13+#10); } { check for End-of-file flag } If block_len <> 0 Then Begin If (block_len < 0) Then { copy uncompressed chars } Begin decomp_len := 0 - block_len; Blockread(infile, outputbuffer^, decomp_len, code); { If code <> decomp_len) then err_exit('Can''t read uncompressed block.'+#13+#10); } End Else { decompress this buffer } Begin Blockread(infile, inputbuffer^, block_len, code); { If (code <> block_len) then err_exit('Can''t read compressed block.'+#13+#10); } decomp_len := RDC_Decompress(PByte(inputbuffer), block_len, PByte(outputbuffer)); End; { and write this buffer outfile } Blockwrite(outfile, outputbuffer^, decomp_len, code); { if (code <> decomp_len) then err_exit('Error writing uncompressed data.'+#13+#10); } End; End; Freemem(inputbuffer, BUFF_LEN); Freemem(outputbuffer, BUFF_LEN); End; END. <------------------- CUT -------------------------> Here is the test program I used to test this. You will have to change it to reflect other file names but it will give you an idea of how to use the unit. <------------------- CUT -------------------------> Program RDCTest; Uses RDCUnit; Var fin, fout : File; a : Array[0..50] Of Byte; BEGIN { Assign(fin, 'ASMINTRO.TXT'); Reset(fin, 1); Assign(fout, 'ASMINTRO.RDC'); Rewrite(fout, 1); Comp_FileToFile(fin, fout); } Assign(fin, 'ASMINTRO.RDC'); Reset(fin, 1); Assign(fout, 'ASMINTRO.2'); Rewrite(fout, 1); Decomp_FileToFile(fin, fout); Close(fin); Close(fout); END.