{ Program Name : Mounts.Pas Written By : Anonymous E-Mail : nothing Web Page : nothing Program Compilation : Turbo Pascal 5.0 or later Program Description : Usefulness for BBS'S and general communications. For a detailed description of this code source, please, read the file TENTOOLS.DOC. Thank you } Program Mounts; Uses DOS,CRT,TenTools; { tentools is also in NETWORK.SWG} TYPE Charset = '1'..'Z'; RDRTable = Array[1..200] of Char; VAR LocalTable : DriveArray; PrintTable : PrintArray; I,J,H,K,T,L,P : Integer; C : Charset; SR : SearchRec; SA : Word; RDR : ^RDRTAble; Avail : String; Test : Word; Begin If Not Loaded then Halt($FF); Avail:='Mounts Unused: '; I:=14; Test:=Mountlist(LocalTable,PrintTable,I); T:=0; For C:='A' to Char(I+64) do if LocalTable[C].ServerID<>' ' then Inc(T); If T mod 2>0 then T:=T div 2 +1 else T:=T div 2; Inc(T,2); H:=WhereY; If (H>(25-T)) then while (H>(25-T)) do begin GotoXY(1,25); Writeln(''); Dec(H); end; Dec(T,2); GotoXY(1,H); J:=1; K:=0; If ((Test=0)and (I>0)) then begin for C:='A' to Char(I+64) do begin If J<=T then GotoXY(1,H+J-1) else GotoXY(40,H+J-T-1); If LocalTable[C].ServerID<>' ' then begin Inc(J); Write(C,'=',LocalTable[C].RPath,',',LocalTable[C].ServerID); end else begin Inc(K); If (K<>1) then Avail:=Avail+','; Avail:=Avail+C; end; end; L:=K; P:=0; For C:='1' to '3' do begin If J<=T then GotoXY(1,H+J-1) else GotoXY(40,H+J-T-1); If PrintTable[C].ServerID<>' ' then begin Write('LPT',C,':=','LPT',PrintTable[C].RPath,',',PrintTable[C].ServerID); Inc(J); Inc(P); end else begin Inc(K); If (K<>1) then Avail:=Avail+','; Avail:=Avail+'LPT'+C; end; end; end; I:=MountsAvail; GotoXY(1,H+T+1); Writeln(Avail); Write('Total Drives Mountable: ',I,' Drives Mounted: ',I-L); If P>0 then Writeln(' Printers Mounted: ',P) else Writeln(''); End.