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Tel (972)-52-917663 VOICE 972-52-27271 2400 24hrs } Unit FOSCOM; Interface Uses Dos, Crt; Var Regs : Registers; {Registers used by Intr and Ms-Dos} { Available user Procedures and Functions } Procedure Fos_Init (Comport: Byte); Procedure Fos_Close (Comport: Byte); Procedure Fos_Parms (Comport: Byte; Baud: Integer; DataBits: Byte; Parity: Char; StopBit: Byte); Procedure Fos_Dtr (Comport: Byte; State: Boolean); Procedure Fos_Flow (Comport: Byte; State: Boolean); Function Fos_CD (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; Procedure Fos_Kill_Out (Comport: Byte); Procedure Fos_Kill_In (Comport: Byte); Procedure Fos_Flush (Comport: Byte); Function Fos_Avail (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; Function Fos_OkToSend (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; Function Fos_Empty (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; Procedure Fos_Write (Comport: Byte; Character: Char); Procedure Fos_String (Comport: Byte; OutString: String); Procedure Fos_StringCRLF (Comport: Byte; OutString: String); Procedure Fos_Ansi (Character: Char); Procedure Fos_Bios (Character: Char); Procedure Fos_WatchDog (Comport: Byte; State: Boolean); Function Fos_Receive (Comport: Byte) : Char; Function Fos_Hangup (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; Procedure Fos_Reboot; Function Fos_CheckModem (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; Function Fos_AtCmd (Comport: Byte; Command: String) : Boolean; Procedure Fos_Clear_Regs; Implementation Procedure Fos_Clear_Regs; begin FillChar (Regs, SizeOf (Regs), 0); end; Procedure Fos_Init (Comport: Byte); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs Do begin AH := 4; DX := (ComPort-1); Intr ($14, Regs); if AX <> $1954 then begin Writeln; Writeln (' Fossil driver is not loaded.'); halt (1); end; end; end; Procedure Fos_Close (Comport: Byte); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; Fos_Dtr(Comport,False); With Regs Do begin AH := 5; DX := (ComPort-1); Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Procedure Fos_Parms (ComPort: Byte; Baud: Integer; DataBits: Byte; Parity: Char; StopBit: Byte); Var Code: Integer; begin Code:=0; Fos_Clear_Regs; Case Baud of 0 : Exit; 100 : code:=code+000+00+00; 150 : code:=code+000+00+32; 300 : code:=code+000+64+00; 600 : code:=code+000+64+32; 1200: code:=code+128+00+00; 2400: code:=code+128+00+32; 4800: code:=code+128+64+00; 9600: code:=code+128+64+32; end; Case DataBits of 5: code:=code+0+0; 6: code:=code+0+1; 7: code:=code+2+0; 8: code:=code+2+1; end; Case Parity of 'N','n': code:=code+00+0; 'O','o': code:=code+00+8; 'E','e': code:=code+16+8; end; Case StopBit of 1: code := code + 0; 2: code := code + 4; end; With Regs do begin AH := 0; AL := Code; DX := (ComPort-1); Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Procedure Fos_Dtr (Comport: Byte; State: Boolean); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 6; DX := (ComPort-1); Case State of True : AL := 1; False: AL := 0; end; Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Function Fos_CD (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 3; DX := (ComPort-1); Intr ($14, Regs); Fos_Cd := ((AL and 128) = 128); end; end; Procedure Fos_Flow (Comport: Byte; State: Boolean); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 15; DX := ComPort-1; Case State of True: AL := 255; False: AL := 0; end; Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Procedure Fos_Kill_Out (Comport: Byte); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 9; DX := ComPort-1; Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Procedure Fos_Kill_In (Comport: Byte); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 10; DX := ComPort-1; Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Procedure Fos_Flush (Comport: Byte); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 8; DX := ComPort-1; Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Function Fos_Avail (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 3; DX := ComPort-1; Intr ($14, Regs); Fos_Avail:= ((AH and 1) = 1); end; end; Function Fos_OkToSend (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 3; DX := ComPort-1; Intr ($14, Regs); Fos_OkToSend := ((AH and 32) = 32); end; end; Function Fos_Empty (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 3; DX := ComPort-1; Intr ($14, Regs); Fos_Empty := ((AH and 64) = 64); end; end; Procedure Fos_Write (Comport: Byte; Character: Char); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 1; DX := ComPort-1; AL := ORD (Character); Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Procedure Fos_String (Comport: Byte; OutString: String); Var Pos: Byte; begin For Pos := 1 to Length(OutString) do begin Fos_Write(Comport,OutString[Pos]); end; OutString:=''; end; Procedure Fos_StringCRLF (Comport: Byte; OutString: String); Var Pos: Byte; begin For Pos := 1 to Length(OutString) do Fos_Write(ComPort,OutString[Pos]); Fos_Write(ComPort,Char(13)); Fos_Write(ComPort,Char(10)); OutString:=''; end; Procedure Fos_Bios (Character: Char); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 21; AL := ORD (Character); Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Procedure Fos_Ansi (Character: Char); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 2; DL := ORD (Character); Intr ($21, Regs); end; end; Procedure Fos_WatchDog (Comport: Byte; State: Boolean); begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 20; DX := ComPort-1; Case State of True : AL := 1; False : AL := 0; end; Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Function Fos_Receive (Comport: Byte) : Char; begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 2; DX := ComPort-1; Intr ($14, Regs); Fos_Receive := Chr(AL); end; end; Function Fos_Hangup (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; Var Tcount : Integer; begin Fos_Dtr(Comport,False); Delay (600); Fos_Dtr(Comport,True); if FOS_CD (ComPort)=True then begin Tcount:=1; Repeat Fos_String (Comport,'+++'); Delay (3000); Fos_StringCRLF (Comport,'ATH0'); Delay(3000); if Fos_CD (ComPort)=False then tcount:=3; Tcount:=Tcount+1; Until Tcount=4; end; if Fos_Cd (ComPort)=True then Fos_Hangup:=False else Fos_Hangup:=True; end; Procedure Fos_Reboot; begin Fos_Clear_Regs; With Regs do begin AH := 23; AL := 1; Intr ($14, Regs); end; end; Function Fos_CheckModem (Comport: Byte) : Boolean; Var Ch : Char; Result : String[10]; I,Z : Integer; begin Fos_CheckModem:=False; Result:=''; For Z:=1 to 3 do begin Delay(500); Fos_Write (Comport,Char(13)); Delay(1000); Fos_StringCRLF (Comport,'AT'); Delay(1000); Repeat if Fos_Avail (Comport) then begin Ch:=Fos_Receive(Comport); Result:=Result+Ch; end; Until Fos_Avail(1)=False; For I:=1 to Length(Result) do begin if Copy(Result,I,2)='OK' then begin Fos_CheckModem:=True; Exit; end; end; end; end; Function Fos_AtCmd (Comport: Byte; Command: String) : Boolean; Var Ch : Char; Result : String[10]; I,Z : Integer; begin Fos_AtCmd:=False; Result:=''; For Z:=1 to 3 do begin Delay(500); Fos_Write (Comport,Char(13)); Delay(1000); Fos_StringCRLF (Comport,Command); Delay(1000); Repeat if Fos_Avail (Comport) then begin Ch:=Fos_Receive(Comport); Result:=Result+Ch; end; Until Fos_Avail(1)=False; For I:=1 to Length(Result) do begin if Copy(Result,I,2)='OK' then begin Fos_AtCmd:=True; Exit; end; end; end; end; end.