{ Heres a simple term program.... no frills except that it writes to dos's putchar so that it supports ANSI!.... Public domain! Simple com program by Ira Gardiner.... all from scratch! } uses crt; Const Com = $2f8; {base address of com port} Procedure Write(w : char); {Quick and dirty write to Dos's FAST PUTCHAR} begin {It only writes one char though! that's all it's} {supposed to!} asm mov al, w; int $29 end; end; var c : char; done : boolean; begin done := false; repeat if keypressed then begin c := readkey; if c = #27 then done := true; {if you press ESC it quits!} port[com] := ord(c); end; if 97 = port[com+5] then write(char(port[com])); until done = true; end.