{ > Or can someone put up some Procedure that will copy Files. } {$O+} Uses Dos; Function CopyFile(SourceFile, TargetFile : String): Byte; { Return codes: 0 successful 1 source and target the same 2 cannot open source 3 unable to create target 4 error during copy } Var Source, Target : File; BRead, BWrite : Word; FileBuf : Array[1..2048] of Char; begin If SourceFile = TargetFile then begin CopyFile := 1; Exit; end; Assign(Source,SourceFile); {$I-} Reset(Source,1); {$I+} If IOResult <> 0 then begin CopyFile := 2; Exit; end; Assign(Target,TargetFile); {$I-} ReWrite(Target,1); {$I+} If IOResult <> 0 then begin CopyFile := 3; Exit; end; Repeat BlockRead(Source,FileBuf,SizeOf(FileBuf),BRead); BlockWrite(Target,FileBuf,Bread,BWrite); Until (Bread = 0) or (Bread <> BWrite); Close(Source); Close(Target); If Bread <> BWrite then CopyFile := 4 else CopyFile := 0; end; {of func CopyFile}