{ SAM LEVENTER > I'm not quite sure how CRC's work. I have routines For calculating both > 16-bit and 32-bit CRC values, however, they seem to be only For one Byte. > How would I go about calculating the 16-bit CRC of an entire File? CRCs are CYCLIC redundancy codes. That means that you cycle through the entire File, ORing it With the old CRC. Just call updateCRC in the below Unit. This Program is donated to the Public Domain by MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. It is provided as an example of the use of the Personal Communications Library. } Unit mycrc16; Interface Function UpdateCRC(crc:Word;data:Byte):Word; Implementation Const POLY = $1021; Var CRCtable : Array [0..255] of Word; { compute updated CRC } Function UpdateCRC(crc : Word; data : Byte) : Word; begin UpDateCRC := (crc SHL 8) xor (CRCtable[(crc SHR 8) xor data]); end; { initialize CRC table } Procedure InitCRC; Var i : Integer; { calculate CRC table entry } Function CalcTable(data, genpoly, accum : Word) : Word; Var i : Word; begin data := data SHL 8; For i := 8 downto 1 do begin if ((data xor accum) and ($8000 <> 0)) then accum := (accum SHL 1) xor genpoly else accum := accum SHL 1; data := data SHL 1; end; CalcTable := accum; end; begin For i := 0 to 255 do CRCtable[i] := CalcTable(i, POLY, 0); end; begin InitCRC; end.