{ Program/utility which can be used to check the 'sorted' File and the data File. It produces the Byte CheckSum of the Files (which must be identical), and can check the sortorder of the File (when given the option -s)... } {$A+,B-,D-,F-,G+,I-,L-,N-,O-,R-,S+,V-,X-} {$M 16384,0,655360} { Here is the Program CHECKSUM that you can run to check the master data File For TeeCee's String sorting contest. if you have a slow machine I suggest you set the Program running and go to bed!! :-) Code size: 5952 Bytes Data size: 924 Bytes .EXE size: 6304 Bytes } Uses Crt; Const Version = 'CheckSum 1.0 (c) 1992 DwarFools & Consultancy, '+ 'by drs. Robert E. Swart'#13#10; Usage = 'Usage: CheckSum dataFile [-s]'#13#10 + ' Options: -s to check the sortorder of the Strings'#13#10; MaxStr = 30; Error : LongInt = 0; Records : LongInt = 0; CheckSum : Byte = 0; { Byte CheckSum of all Bytes in data File xor'ed } Sortorder : Boolean = False; { Assume option -s is not given } Var Str : String[MaxStr]; len : Byte Absolute Str; ByteStr : Array [0..MaxStr] of Byte Absolute Str; PrevStr, UpperStr : String[MaxStr]; f : File; i : Integer; begin Writeln(Version); if ParamCount = 0 then begin Writeln(Usage); Halt; end; assign(f, ParamStr(1)); { Change this to your chosen File name } reset(f, 1); if Ioresult <> 0 then begin Writeln('Error: could not open ', ParamStr(1)); Writeln(Usage); Halt(1); end; if (ParamCount = 2) and ((ParamStr(2) = '-s') or (ParamStr(2) = '-S')) then Sortorder := True; Writeln('Strings x 1000 checked:'); While not eof(f) do begin BlockRead(f, len, 1); BlockRead(f, Str[1], len); For i := 0 to len do CheckSum := CheckSum xor ByteStr[i]; if Sortorder then begin UpperStr[0] := Str[0]; For i := 1 to len do UpperStr[i] := UpCase(Str[i]); if Records > 0 then begin if PrevStr > UpperStr then begin Inc(Error); Writeln; Writeln('Error: ',PrevStr,' > ',UpperStr); end; PrevStr := UpperStr; end; end; Inc(Records); if (Records mod 1000) = 0 then begin GotoXY(1, WhereY); Write(Records div 1000:3); end; end; close(f); Writeln; Write(Records,' Strings checked, '); if Sortorder then Writeln(Error, ' Errors found, '); Writeln('Byte CheckSum = ', CheckSum); end.