{> And how can I hide my cursor ? I know it's something With INT 10 but > that's all I know... Try this: SType 'C' or 'M' - Color or monchrome display Size 'S' or 'B' or 'O' cursor small, big, or none (invisible) } Uses Dos; Procedure CursorSize(SType, Size : Char); Var Regs : Registers; i : Integer; begin Size := UpCase(Size); if UpCase(SType) = 'M' then i := 6 ELSE i := 0; Regs.AH := $01; CASE Size of 'O' : begin Regs.CH := $20; Regs.CL := $20; end; 'B' : begin Regs.CH := $0; Regs.CL := $7 + i; end; 'S' : begin Regs.CH := $6+i; Regs.CL := $7+i; end; end; Intr($10, Regs); end; begin CursorSize('C','B'); readln; end.