{ JEFF HLYWA > One more thing, how could I reWrite the GotoXY command For use > through the comport? Ok.. if you are using the Fossil Driver routines you can do this. } Procedure SetCursorPos(XPos, Ypos : Byte); Assembler; Asm SUB XPos, 1 { Subtract 1 from X Position } SUB YPos, 1 { Subtract 1 from Y Position } MOV AH, $11 MOV DH, YPos MOV DL, XPos INT 14h end; { We subtracted 1 from both the X Position and Y Position because when you use the SetCursorPos the orgin ( upper left hand corner ) coordinates are 0,0. Using the GotoXY the orgin coordinates are 1,1. For example : if we wanted to GotoXY (40,12) using the SetCursorPos Without the subtraction commands the cursor would be located at (41,13). Pretty simple } { The follow Procedure gets the current cusor postion } Procedure GetCursorPos; { Returns then X Coordinate and Y Coordinate (almost like WhereX and WhereY). You must define X and Y as an Integer or Byte in the Var section of your Program } Var XCord, YCord : Byte; { Use temporary coordinates } begin Asm MOV AH, $12 INT 14h MOV YCord, DH MOV XCord, DL ADD YCord, 1 { Add 1 to the Y Coordinate } end; X := XCord; { Set X and Y } Y := YCord; end;