{ > I'm trying to read a record from a file of byte. One of the variables in > read is the record is a 4 byte unsigned integer (DWORD). Since the > filetype doesn't allow me to read a dword at once I have to construct it > myself. > Could somebody please tell me how to construct my dword? Type DWORD = record case byte of 0 : (Full : longint); 1 : (HiWord, LoWord : word); 2 : (Hw_HiByte, Hw_LoByte, Lw_HiByte, Lw_LoByte : byte); 3 : (FourBytes : array[0..3] of byte); end; Here is an example: } {$A+,B-,D+,E-,F+,G+,I+,L+,N+,O+,P+,Q+,R+,S+,T+,V-,X+,Y+} {$M 1024,0,655360} uses crt; Type DWord = record case byte of 0 : (Full : longint); 1 : (HiWord, LoWord : word); 2 : (Hw_HiByte, Hw_LoByte, Lw_HiByte, Lw_LoByte : byte); 3 : (FourBytes : array[0..3] of byte); 4 : (TwoWords : array[0..1] of word); end; var F : file of longint; B : file of byte; MyDword : Dword; MyLong : longint; MyWord : word; MyByte, Index : byte; begin clrscr; assign(F, 'MyLong.dat'); rewrite(F); MyLong := $12345678; write(F, MyLong); MyLong := 0; Close(F); assign(B, 'MyLong.dat'); reset(B); Seek(B, 0); { Go back to first record in file} for Index := 0 to 3 do read(B, MyDword.Fourbytes[Index]); writeln($12345678); writeln(MyDword.Full); writeln; writeln(MyDword.HiWord); writeln(MyDword.LoWord); writeln; writeln(MyDword.Hw_HiByte); writeln(MyDword.Hw_LoByte); writeln(MyDword.Lw_HiByte); writeln(MyDword.Lw_LoByte); writeln; for Index := 0 to 3 do writeln(MyDword.FourBytes[Index]); writeln; for Index := 0 to 1 do writeln(MyDword.TwoWords[Index]); Close(B); reset(F); while keypressed do readkey; readkey; Seek(F, 0); { Go back to first record in file} read(F, MyDword.Full); ClrScr; writeln($12345678); writeln(MyDword.Full); writeln; writeln(MyDword.HiWord); writeln(MyDword.LoWord); writeln; writeln(MyDword.Hw_HiByte); writeln(MyDword.Hw_LoByte); writeln(MyDword.Lw_HiByte); writeln(MyDword.Lw_LoByte); writeln; for Index := 0 to 3 do writeln(MyDword.FourBytes[Index]); writeln; for Index := 0 to 1 do writeln(MyDword.TwoWords[Index]); close(F); while keypressed do readkey; readkey; end. { Compiled and Tested with BP 7.x It will, write a file of Longint, write 12345678 Hex to it, read it as a file of byte, display most representation of it, then close it and reopen it as a file of LongInt again read one longint and again display the representations of it. PS. There is a pause after the first display (Read as a file of bytes), any key presents the second display (Read as a file of bytes), and another pause to allow you to see that it does display the same thing. Any key then terminates the program. }