{ From: nrivers@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (n paul rivers) I did manage to find part of the code that was once used to write a preliminary version of a Huffman compression program. Oddly, some of the procedures were missing, and worse, there were no comments. I apologize for all this, but hopefully it will be some use in spite of the inadequacies. Also, your post makes mention of wanting the "optimum" way to do this -- well, this isn't it! But it will work, and perhaps it will give you some ideas. } Type TNodePtr = ^TNode; TNode = Record Count : Longint; Parent, Left, Right : TNodePtr; end; TNodePtrArray = Array[0..255] of TNodePtr; TFreqArray = Array[0..255] of Longint; TFileName = String[12]; TBitTable = Array[0..255] of Byte; Var Source, Dest : TFileName; LeafNodes : TNodePtrArray; Freq : TFreqArray; BitTable : TBitTable; TotalBytes : Longint; P : Pointer; C : Char; Procedure GetFileNames(var Source, Dest : TFileName); Begin If ParamCount<>2 then begin writeln('Specify the file to compress & its destination name.'); writeln; halt; end; Source := ParamStr(1); Dest := ParamStr(2); End; Procedure InitializeArrays(var Leaf : TNodePtrArray; var Freq : TFreqArray; var BitTable : TBitTable); Var B : Byte; Begin For B := 0 to 255 do begin Leaf[B] := nil; Freq[B] := 0; BitTable[B] := ''; End; End; Procedure GetByteInfo(Source : TFileName; var Freq : TFreqArray; var TotalBytes : Longint); Var S : File of Byte; inputByte : Byte; Begin Assign(S, Source); Reset(S); TotalBytes := 0; While not(eof(s)) do begin read(s,inputByte); Inc(Freq[inputByte]); Inc(TotalBytes); end; Close(S); End; Procedure LoadNodeArray(var LeafNodes : TNodePtrArray; var Freq : TFreqArray); Var B : Byte; Node : TNodePtr; Begin Node := Nil; For B := 0 to 255 do if Freq[B]>0 then begin New(Node); Node^.Parent := nil; Node^.Left := nil; Node^.Right := nil; Node^.Count := Freq[B]; LeafNodes[B] := Node; Node := Nil; End; End; Procedure GetMinInFreeArray(var min1, min2 : byte; var CFA : TNodePtrArray); Var b : byte; minCount1, minCount2 : Longint; Begin minCount1 := 1000000000; minCount2 := minCount1; min1 := 0; min2 := 0; for b := 0 to 255 do if CFA[b]<>nil then begin if minCount1>CFA[b]^.Count then begin min2 := min1; min1 := b; minCount2 := minCount1; minCount1 := CFA[b]^.Count; end else if ((minCount2>=CFA[b]^.Count) and (b<>min1)) then begin minCount2 := CFA[b]^.Count; min2 := b; end; end; End; Procedure BuildTree(var LeafNodes : TNodePtrArray); Var CFA, NFA : TNodePtrArray; Node : TNodePtr; {CFA = current free array, NFA = next free array once two nodes in the current free array have been combined to form one node at one level 'up' the tree, then this new node must be placed in the NFA for the upcoming round of combining nodes} FreeThisLvl, NoCombs : Word; {FreeThisLvl = continue combining nodes at each level until after one round of combining, there is only one node left. "there can be only one!" NoCombs = number of combinations to be made at the given level"} Cnt, min1, min2 : Byte; Begin FreeThisLvl := 0; Node := nil; for cnt := 0 to 255 do begin NFA[cnt] := nil; CFA[cnt] := LeafNodes[cnt]; if CFA[cnt]<>nil then Inc(FreeThisLvl); end; While FreeThisLvl>1 do begin NoCombs := (FreeThisLvl div 2); For cnt := 1 to NoCombs do begin GetMinInFreeArray(min1,min2,CFA); New(Node); Node^.Parent := nil; Node^.Right := CFA[min1]; Node^.Left := CFA[min2]; Node^.Count := CFA[min1]^.Count + CFA[min2]^.Count; Node^.Left^.Parent := Node; Node^.Right^.Parent := Node; NFA[cnt] := Node; Node := Nil; CFA[min1] := nil; CFA[min2] := nil; end; For cnt := 0 to 255 do if CFA[cnt]<>nil then NFA[0] := CFA[cnt]; For cnt := 0 to 255 do begin CFA[cnt] := NFA[cnt]; NFA[cnt] := nil; end; FreeThisLvl := 0; For cnt := 0 to 255 do if CFA[cnt]<>nil then Inc(FreeThisLvl); end; End; Procedure BuildBitTable(var LeafNodes : TNodePtrArray; var BitTable : TBitTable) Begin { To build the bit table for a given value, set, e.g. ptr1 and ptr2, to point to the given leafnode. then set ptr1 to point at the parent. then if ptr1^.left = ptr2 then the first bit for the given node is 0, else it is 1. continue this process until you reach the top of the tree. } End; Procedure CompressFile(Source, Dest : TFileName; var BitTable : TBitTable; TotalBytes : Longint); Begin { remember to write the necessary tree information for decompression in the compressed file. also, since the last byte of the file might contain bits not relevant to decoding, i've decided to just keep track of the total # of bytes in the original file. so don't forget to write this number to the file as well. } End; BEGIN GetFileNames(Source,Dest); InitializeArrays(LeafNodes,Freq,BitTable); writeln('Gathering info...'); writeln; GetByteInfo(Source,Freq,TotalBytes); Mark(P); LoadNodeArray(LeafNodes,Freq); BuildTree(LeafNodes); BuildBitTable(LeafNodes,BitTable); Release(P); writeln('Compressing file...'); writeln; CompressFile(Source,Dest,BitTable,TotalBytes); writeln; writeln; END.