{ From: rgdawson@aol.com (RGDawson) >Does anyone know how I can make a procedure accept as many or as little >parameters as a I want. For example, in writeln, you can use no parameters >or a lot of parameters with the same call. Could I do the same thing for >something that writes to a com port without assigning a file to the port? The best way is to write a device driver. Here is an example of a device driver that lets write and writeln send strings to a global PChar variable. This is very handy for formatting and concatenating strings and number variables of all types. To use simply include this unit and do something like WriteLn(PD, 'X=', X:5:2, 'The lazy fox...', S); The global variable PDStr now contains the formatted output of writeln. } UNIT PCharDev; {$K+} INTERFACE uses WinTypes, WinProcs, WinDOS, Strings; const MaxPDStrSize = 255; var PDStr: array[0..MaxPDStrSize] of Char; PD: Text; procedure AssignPCharDev(var F: Text); IMPLEMENTATION procedure WriteBuffer(Buffer: PChar; Count: Word); var i: integer; begin i := 0; while (Count > 0) AND (i <= MaxPDStrSize - 1) do begin if Buffer^ in [#9, #32..#255] then begin PDStr[i] := Buffer^; Inc(i); end; {$IFOPT R+} if i > (MaxPDStrSize - 1) then MessageBox(0, 'Max string size exceeded in PChar Device. String Truncated.', 'PCharDev Error', mb_OK + mb_IconExclamation); {$ENDIF} Inc(Buffer); Dec(Count); end; PDStr[i] := #0; end; function PCharDevClose(var F: TTextRec): integer; far; begin PCharDevClose := 0; end; function PCharDevOut(var F: TTextRec): integer; far; begin if F.BufPos <> 0 then begin WriteBuffer(PChar(F.BufPtr), F.BufPos); F.BufPos := 0; end; PCharDevOut := 0; end; function PCharDevOpen(var F: TTextRec): integer; far; begin {.$IFOPT R+} if F.Mode <> fmOutput then MessageBox(0, 'PCharDev mode must be fmOutput only.','Error',mb_OK); {.$ENDIF} F.Mode := fmOutput; F.InOutFunc := @PCharDevOut; F.FlushFunc := @PCharDevOut; F.CloseFunc := @PCharDevClose; PCharDevOpen := 0; end; procedure AssignPCharDev(var F: Text); begin with TTextRec(F) do begin handle := $FFFF; Mode := fmClosed; BufSize := SizeOf(Buffer); BufPtr := @Buffer; OpenFunc := @PCharDevOpen; Name[0] := #0; end; end; BEGIN AssignPCharDev(PD); Rewrite(PD); END.