{ Can someone give me some tips on how to speed up/improve my unit for storing multiple format data structures in a single file? I use numerous data types that must be saved, so I came up with a simple multi format file (MFF ) structure. It has a 5 byte Header Id which designates it a MFF structure, and a 7 byte Program Id which is used to define which program the file belongs to (I would use 8 byte ProgId, but then would have to deal with all the triskadekaphobes out there =-> ). The rest of the file is made up of data packets which start with 2, 2byte word variables, one denoting the type, the other the size of the following data. {$A+,B-,D-,E-,F-,G-,I-,L-,N-,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S-,T-,V-,X-,Y-} unit MFFUnit; interface const HeaderId = 'MFF01'; HeaderIdSize = 5; ProgIdSize = 7; type Arr5 = array[1..5] of char; Arr7 = array[1..7] of char; Arr12 = array[1..12] of char; Str5 = string[5]; Str7 = string[7]; procedure WriteHeader(var F: file; HId: str5; Pid: str7); procedure ReadHeader(var F: file; var HId: str5; var Pid: str7); procedure WritePacket(var F: file; FPos: longint; var Dat; DataType, DataSize: Word); procedure ReadPacket(var F: file; FPos: longint; var Dat; var DataType, DataSize: Word); implementation procedure WriteHeader; var A1: Arr12; Count: integer; begin Seek(F, 0); FillChar(A1, 12, #0); for Count := 1 to length(HiD) do A1[Count] := HiD[Count]; for Count := 1 to length(PiD) do A1[Count+5] := PiD[Count]; BlockWrite(F, A1, 12); end; procedure ReadHeader; var A1: Arr12; Count: integer; begin Seek(F, 0); Hid[0] := #5; PiD[0] := #7; BlockRead(F, A1, 12); for Count := 1 to 5 do if A1[Count] = #0 then begin HiD[0] := Chr(Count-1); break; end else HiD[Count] := A1[Count]; for Count := 1 to 7 do if A1[Count+5] = #0 then begin PiD[0] := chr(Count-1); break; end else PiD[Count] := A1[Count+5]; end; procedure WritePacket; begin Seek(F, FPos); BlockWrite(F, DataType, 2); BlockWrite(F, DataSize, 2); BlockWrite(F, Dat, DataSize); end; procedure ReadPacket; begin Seek(F, FPos); BlockRead(F, DataType, 2); BlockRead(F, DataSize, 2); BlockRead(F, Dat, DataSize); end; end.