Unit Julian; {DEMO Routines /begin / ClrScr; / GetDate(Year,Month,Day,Dow); / WriteLn('Year : ',Year); / WriteLn('Month : ',Month); / WriteLn('Day : ',Day); / WriteLn('doW : ',Dow); / WriteLn(MachineDate); / JulianDate := DatetoJulian(MachineDate); / WriteLn('Julian Date = ',JulianDate); / WriteLn('Jul to Date = ',JuliantoDate(JulianDate)); / WriteLn('Day of Week = ',DayofWeek(JulianDate)); / WriteLn('Time = ',MachineTime(4)); /end.} Interface Uses Crt, Dos; Type Str3 = String[3]; Str8 = String[8]; Str9 = String[9]; Str11 = String[11]; Var Hour,Minute,Second,S100, Year,Month,Day,Dow : Word; Syear,Smonth,Sday,Sdow : String; JulianDate : Integer; Function MachineTime(Len : Byte) : Str11; Function MachineDate : Str8; Function DateFactor(MonthNum, DayNum, YearNum : Real) : Real; Function DatetoJulian(DateLine : Str8) : Integer; Function JuliantoDate(DateInt : Integer): Str11; Function JuliantoStr8(DateInt : Integer): Str8; Function DayofWeek(Jdate : Integer) : Str3; Procedure DateDiff(Date1,Date2 : Integer; Var Date_Difference : Str9); Implementation Function MachineTime(Len : Byte) : Str11; Var I : Byte; TempStr : String; TimeStr : Array[1..4] of String; begin TempStr := ''; FillChar(TimeStr,Sizeof(TimeStr),0); GetTime(Hour,Minute,Second,S100); Str(Hour,TimeStr[1]); Str(Minute,TimeStr[2]); Str(Second,TimeStr[3]); Str(S100,TimeStr[4]); TempStr := TimeStr[1]; For I := 2 to Len Do TempStr := TempStr + ':' + TimeStr[I]; MachineTime := TempStr; end; Function MachineDate : Str8; begin GetDate(Year,Month,Day,Dow); Str(Year,Syear); Str(Month,Smonth); if Month < 10 then Smonth := '0' + Smonth; Str(Day,Sday); if Day < 10 then Sday := '0' + Sday; MachineDate := smonth + sday + syear; end; Function DateFactor(MonthNum, DayNum, YearNum : Real) : Real; Var Factor : Real; begin Factor := (365 * YearNum) + DayNum + (31 * (MonthNum-1)); if MonthNum < 3 then Factor := Factor + Int((YearNum-1) / 4) - Int(0.75 * (Int((YearNum-1) / 100) + 1)) else Factor := Factor - Int(0.4 * MonthNum + 2.3) + Int(YearNum / 4) - Int(0.75 * (Int(YearNum / 100) + 1)); DateFactor := Factor; end; Function DatetoJulian(DateLine : Str8) : Integer; Var Factor, MonthNum, DayNum, YearNum : Real; Ti : Integer; begin if Length(DateLine) = 7 then DateLine := '0'+DateLine; MonthNum := 0.0; For Ti := 1 to 2 Do MonthNum := (10 * MonthNum) + (ord(DateLine[Ti])-ord('0')); DayNum := 0.0; For Ti := 3 to 4 Do DayNum := (10 * DayNum) + (ord(DateLine[Ti])-ord('0')); YearNum := 0.0; For Ti := 5 to 8 Do YearNum := (10 * YearNum) + (ord(DateLine[Ti])-ord('0')); Factor := DateFactor(MonthNum, DayNum, YearNum); DatetoJulian := Trunc((Factor - 679351.0) - 32767.0); end; Function JuliantoDate(DateInt : Integer): Str11; Var holdstr : String[2]; anystr : String[11]; StrMonth : String[3]; strDay : String[2]; stryear : String[4]; test, error, Year, Dummy, I : Integer; Save,Temp : Real; JuliantoanyString : Str11; begin holdstr := ''; JuliantoanyString := '00000000000'; Temp := Int(DateInt) + 32767 + 679351.0; Save := Temp; Dummy := Trunc(Temp/365.5); While Save >= DateFactor(1.0,1.0,Dummy+0.0) Do Dummy := Succ(Dummy); Dummy := Pred(Dummy); Year := Dummy; (* Determine number of Days into current year *) Temp := 1.0 + Save - DateFactor(1.0,1.0,Year+0.0); (* Put the Year into the output String *) For I := 8 downto 5 Do begin JuliantoanyString[I] := Char((Dummy mod 10)+ord('0')); Dummy := Dummy div 10; end; Dummy := 1 + Trunc(Temp/31.5); While Save >= DateFactor(Dummy+0.0,1.0,Year+0.0) Do Dummy := Succ(Dummy); Dummy := Pred(Dummy); Temp := 1.0 + Save - DateFactor(Dummy+0.0,1.0,Year+0.0); For I := 2 Downto 1 Do begin JuliantoanyString[I] := Char((Dummy mod 10)+ord('0')); Dummy := Dummy div 10; end; Dummy := Trunc(Temp); For I := 4 Downto 3 Do begin JuliantoanyString[I] := Char((Dummy mod 10)+ord('0')); Dummy := Dummy div 10; end; holdstr := copy(juliantoanyString,1,2); val(holdstr,test,error); Case test of 1 : StrMonth := 'Jan'; 2 : StrMonth := 'Feb'; 3 : StrMonth := 'Mar'; 4 : StrMonth := 'Apr'; 5 : StrMonth := 'May'; 6 : StrMonth := 'Jun'; 7 : StrMonth := 'Jul'; 8 : StrMonth := 'Aug'; 9 : StrMonth := 'Sep'; 10 : StrMonth := 'Oct'; 11 : StrMonth := 'Nov'; 12 : StrMonth := 'Dec'; end; stryear := copy(juliantoanyString,5,4); strDay := copy(juliantoanyString,3,2); anystr := StrDay + '-' + StrMonth + '-' +stryear; JuliantoDate := anystr; end; Function JuliantoStr8(DateInt : Integer): Str8; Var holdstr : String[2]; anystr : String[8]; StrMonth : String[2]; strDay : String[2]; stryear : String[4]; Save, Temp : Real; test, error, Year, Dummy, I : Integer; JuliantoanyString : Str8; begin holdstr := ''; JuliantoanyString := '00000000'; Temp := Int(DateInt) + 32767 + 679351.0; Save := Temp; Dummy := Trunc(Temp/365.5); While Save >= DateFactor(1.0,1.0,Dummy+0.0) Do Dummy := Succ(Dummy); Dummy := Pred(Dummy); Year := Dummy; Temp := 1.0 + Save - DateFactor(1.0,1.0,Year+0.0); For I := 8 downto 5 Do begin JuliantoanyString[I] := Char((Dummy mod 10)+ord('0')); Dummy := Dummy div 10; end; Dummy := 1 + Trunc(Temp/31.5); While Save >= DateFactor(Dummy+0.0,1.0,Year+0.0) Do Dummy := Succ(Dummy); Dummy := Pred(Dummy); Temp := 1.0 + Save - DateFactor(Dummy+0.0,1.0,Year+0.0); For I := 2 Downto 1 Do begin JuliantoanyString[I] := Char((Dummy mod 10)+ord('0')); Dummy := Dummy div 10; end; Dummy := Trunc(Temp); For I := 4 Downto 3 Do begin JuliantoanyString[I] := Char((Dummy mod 10)+ord('0')); Dummy := Dummy div 10; end; holdstr := copy(juliantoanyString,1,2); val(holdstr,test,error); Case test of 1 : StrMonth := '01'; 2 : StrMonth := '02'; 3 : StrMonth := '03'; 4 : StrMonth := '04'; 5 : StrMonth := '05'; 6 : StrMonth := '06'; 7 : StrMonth := '07'; 8 : StrMonth := '08'; 9 : StrMonth := '09'; 10 : StrMonth := '10'; 11 : StrMonth := '11'; 12 : StrMonth := '12'; end; StrYear := copy(juliantoanyString,5,4); StrDay := copy(juliantoanyString,3,2); AnyStr := StrMonth + StrDay + StrYear; JuliantoStr8 := AnyStr; end; Function DayofWeek(Jdate : Integer) : Str3; begin Case jdate MOD 7 of 0:DayofWeek:='Sun'; 1:DayofWeek:='Mon'; 2:DayofWeek := 'Tue'; 3:DayofWeek:='Wed'; 4:DayofWeek:='Thu'; 5:DayofWeek := 'Fri'; 6:DayofWeek:='Sat'; end; end; Procedure DateDiff(Date1,Date2 : Integer; Var Date_Difference : Str9); Var Temp,Rdate1,Rdate2,Diff1 : Real; Diff : Integer; Return : String[9]; Hold : String[3]; begin Rdate2 := Date2 + 32767.5; Rdate1 := Date1 + 32767.5; Diff1 := Rdate1 - Rdate2; Temp := Diff1; if Diff1 < 32 then (* determine number of Days *) begin Diff := Round(Diff1); Str(Diff,Hold); Return := Hold + ' ' + 'Day'; if Diff > 1 then Return := Return + 's '; end; if ((Diff1 > 31) and (Diff1 < 366)) then begin Diff1 := Diff1 / 30; Diff := Round(Diff1); Str(Diff,Hold); Return := Hold + ' ' + 'Month'; if Diff > 1 then Return := Return + 's'; end; if Diff1 > 365 then begin Diff1 := Diff1 / 365; Diff := Round(Diff1); Str(Diff,Hold); Return := Hold; end; Date_Difference := Return; Diff := Round(Diff1); end; end.