{ =============================================================== From chapter 4 of "Astronomical Formulae for Calculators" 2nd edition; by Jean Meeus; publisher: Willmann-Bell Inc., ISBN 0-943396-01-8 ... Date of Easter. The method used below has been given by Spencer Jones in his book "General Astronomy" (pages 73-74 of the edition of 1922). It has been published again in the "Journal of the British Astronomical Association", Vol.88, page 91 (December 1977) where it is said that it was devised in 1876 and appeared in the Butcher's "Ecclesiastical Calendar." Unlike the formula given by Guass, this method has no exception and is valid for all years in the Gregorian calendar, that is from the year 1583 on. [...text omitted...] The extreme dates of Easter are March 22 (as in 1818 and 2285) and April 25 (as in 1886, 1943, 2038). =============================================================== The following Modula-2 code by Greg Vigneault, April 1993. Converted To Pascal by Kerry Sokalsky } Procedure FindEaster(Year : Integer); { Year MUST be greater than 1583 } VAR a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, p : INTEGER; Month : String[5]; BEGIN If Year < 1583 then begin Writeln('Year must be 1583 or later.'); Exit; end; a := Year MOD 19; b := Year DIV 100; c := Year MOD 100; d := b DIV 4; e := b MOD 4; f := (b + 8) DIV 25; g := (b - f + 1) DIV 3; h := (19 * a + b - d - g + 15) MOD 30; i := c DIV 4; k := c MOD 4; l := (32 + 2 * e + 2 * i - h - k) MOD 7; m := (a + 11 * h + 22 * l) DIV 451; p := (h + l - 7 * m + 114); n := p DIV 31; (* n = month number 3 or 4 *) p := (p MOD 31) + 1; (* p = day in month *) IF (n = 3) THEN Month := 'March' ELSE Month := 'April'; WriteLn('The date of Easter for ', Year : 4, ' is: ', Month, p : 3); END; begin FindEaster(1993); end.