{Does anyone have any code that takes a minutes figure away from the date and time ? The following should do the trick. note that it Uses a non-TP-standard date/time Record structure, but you could modify it if you wanted to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } Unit timeadj; Interface Type timtyp = Record {time Record} hour : Byte; min : Byte; end; dattyp = Record {date Record} year : Integer; mon : Byte; day : Byte; dayno: Byte; end; dttyp = Record {date time Record} time : timtyp; date : dattyp; end; Function adjtime(od : dttyp ; nmins : Integer ; Var nd : dttyp) : Boolean; {add/subtract nmins to od to give nd} {return T if day change} Implementation {Date/Julian Day conversion routines Valid from 1582 onwards from James Miller G3RUH, Cambridge, England} Const {days in a month} monthd : Array [1..12] of Byte = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); d0 : LongInt = -428; {James defines this as the general day number} Procedure date2jul(Var dn : LongInt ; dat : dattyp); {calc julian date DN from date DAT} Var m : Byte; begin With dat do begin m := mon; if m <= 2 then begin m := m + 12; dec(year); end; dn := d0 + day + trunc(30.61 * (m + 1)) + trunc(365.25 * year) + {the next line may be omitted if only used from Jan 1900 to Feb 2100} trunc(year / 400) - trunc(year / 100) + 15; end end; {date2jul} Procedure jul2date(dn : LongInt ; Var dat : dattyp); {calc date DAT from julian date DN} Var d : LongInt; begin With dat do begin d := dn - d0; dayno := (d + 5) mod 7; {the next line may be omitted if only used from Jan 1900 to Feb 2100} d := d + trunc( 0.75 * trunc(1.0 * (d + 36387) / 36524.25)) - 15; year := trunc((1.0 * d - 122.1) / 365.25); d := d - trunc(365.25 * year); mon := trunc(d / 30.61); day := d - trunc(30.61 * mon); dec(mon); if mon > 12 then begin mon := mon - 12; inc(year); end; end; end; {jul2date} Function juld2date(jul : Word ; Var jd : dattyp) : Boolean; {convert julian day to date} {ret T if no err} Var sum : Integer; j : LongInt; begin if jul > 366 then begin juld2date := False; Exit; end else juld2date := True; if (jd.year mod 4) = 0 then monthd[2] := 29 else monthd[2] := 28; sum := 0; jd.mon := 0; Repeat inc(jd.mon); sum := sum + monthd[jd.mon]; Until sum >= jul; sum := sum - monthd[jd.mon]; jd.day := jul - sum; date2jul(j,jd); jul2date(j,jd); end; {juld2date} Procedure adjdate(od : dattyp ; ndays : Integer ; Var nd : dattyp); {add/subtract ndays to od to give nd} Var j : LongInt; begin date2jul(j,od); j := j + ndays; jul2date(j,nd); end; Function adjtime(od : dttyp ; nmins : Integer ; Var nd : dttyp) : Boolean; {add/subtract nmins to od to give nd} {return T if day change} Var emins : Integer; tnd : dttyp; {needed in Case routine called With od & nd the same} begin adjtime := False; tnd := od; emins := od.time.hour*60 + od.time.min + nmins; if emins > 1439 then begin adjtime := True; emins := emins - 1440; adjdate(od.date,1,tnd.date); end; if emins < 0 then begin adjtime := True; emins := emins + 1440; adjdate(od.date,-1,tnd.date); end; tnd.time.hour := emins div 60; tnd.time.min := emins mod 60; nd := tnd; end; {adjtime} end.