{$R-,S+,I+,D+,T-,F-,V+,B-,N-,L+ } {$M 16384,0,1024 } program ifday; { *********************************************************************** IFDAY.PAS 8/18/93 by Bryan Valencia. Shows use of the EXEC Command to run Command.com with a command line taken from user entered parameters. Include IFDAY in Batch Files to Run lines only on certain days. *********************************************************************** } uses DOS, CRT; var y,m,d,dow:word; procedure help; begin textattr:=yellow; gotoxy(1,wherey); ClrEOL; Writeln('IFDAY by Bryan Valencia [71553,3102]'); Writeln('SYNTAX'); textattr:=lightgreen; Writeln('IFDAY [DAYOFWEEK,DAYNO] COMMAND'); WRiteln('IFDAY 4 MIRROR c: (if today is the 4th, mirror the C: drive).'); WRiteln('IFDAY MON SD C: /Unfrag (if today is Monday, run speed disk).'); Halt; end; Procedure PerformCommand; var s:string; t:byte; Begin s:=''; for t:=2 to paramcount do s:=s+paramstr(t)+' '; Writeln(s); Exec('c:\Command.Com','/c '+s); Halt; end; Function Checknum(i:integer):boolean; var y,m,d,dow:word; begin Getdate(y,m,d,dow); if i=d then Checknum:=true else Checknum:=False; end; Function CheckDay(S:String):boolean; var y,m,d,dow:word; ss:string[3]; begin Getdate(y,m,d,dow); Case dow of 0:SS:='SU'; 1:SS:='MO'; 2:SS:='TU'; 3:SS:='WE'; 4:SS:='TH'; 5:SS:='FR'; 6:SS:='SA'; end; if S=SS then CheckDay:=true else CheckDay:=False; end; Procedure GO; var s:string[2]; v,t:byte; e:integer; Begin s:=paramstr(1); for t:=1 to 2 do s[t]:=upcase(s[t]); Val(s,v,e); if e=0 then if Checknum(v) then PerformCommand; if e<>0 then if CheckDay(S) then PerformCommand; end; Begin if paramcount<2 then help else GO; End.