{ ±> Does anyone know how to make a clock (ie....working second to second) You can use the clock from the Gadgets unit included with BP7. } type PClockView = ^TClockView; TClockView = object(TView) Refresh: Byte; LastTime: DateTime; TimeStr: string[13]; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect); procedure Draw; virtual; function FormatTimeStr(M, S: Word): String; virtual; procedure Update; virtual; end; function LeadingZero(w: Word): String; var s: String; begin Str(w:0, s); LeadingZero := Copy('00', 1, 2 - Length(s)) + s; end; constructor TClockView.Init(var Bounds: TRect); begin inherited Init(Bounds); FillChar(LastTime, SizeOf(LastTime), #$FF); TimeStr := ''; Refresh := 1; end; procedure TClockView.Draw; var B: TDrawBuffer; C: Byte; begin C := GetColor(2); MoveChar(B, ' ', C, Size.X); MoveStr(B, TimeStr, C); WriteLine(0, 0, Size.X, 1, B); end; procedure TClockView.Update; var h,m,s,hund: word; AmPmStr : STRING; vTmpStr : STRING; begin GetTime(h,m,s,hund); if Abs(s - LastTime.sec) >= Refresh then begin with LastTime do begin IF ((H >= 12) AND (H < 24)) THEN AmPmStr := ' p.m.' ELSE AmPmStr := ' a.m.'; IF H > 12 THEN H := H - 12; IF H = 0 THEN H := 12; end; Str(H : 2, vTmpStr); TimeStr := vTmpStr + FormatTimeStr(m, s) + AmPmStr; DrawView; end; end; function TClockView.FormatTimeStr(M, S: Word): String; begin FormatTimeStr := ':'+ LeadingZero(m) + ':' + LeadingZero(s); end;