{ Allright... I checked around a lot of DATE and TIME routines, and came up with this, taken from about three different routines. This routine works, as far as I know, and I've implemented it successfully into my own code. If anyone knows that this routine has a bug in it, please let me know. This procedure uses the Julian calander mathmatical equasions to convert two dates and give the # of days inbetween. If anyone knows a faster way of writing this procedure, please let me know. } type string80=string[80]; var _retval:integer; procedure check_date(stream1,stream2:string80); var internal1,internal2:longint; JNUM:real; cd,month,day,year: integer; out:string[25]; function Jul( mo, da, yr: integer): real; var i, j, k, j2, ju: real; begin i := yr; j := mo; k := da; j2 := int( (j - 14)/12 ); ju := k - 32075 + int(1461 * ( i + 4800 + j2 ) / 4 ); ju := ju + int( 367 * (j - 2 - j2 * 12) / 12); ju := ju - int(3 * int( (i + 4900 + j2) / 100) / 4); Jul := ju; end; begin out:=copy(stream1,1,2); if copy(out,1,1)='0' then delete(out,1,1); val(out,month,cd); out:=copy(stream1,4,2); if copy(out,1,1)='0' then delete(out,1,1); val(out,day,cd); out:=copy(stream1,7,2); if copy(out,1,1)='0' then delete(out,1,1); val(out,year,cd); jnum:=jul(month,day,year); str(jnum:10:0,out); val(out,internal1,cd); out:=copy(stream2,1,2); if copy(out,1,1)='0' then delete(out,1,1); val(out,month,cd); out:=copy(stream2,4,2); if copy(out,1,1)='0' then delete(out,1,1); val(out,day,cd); out:=copy(stream2,7,2); if copy(out,1,1)='0' then delete(out,1,1); val(out,year,cd); jnum:=jul(month,day,year); str(jnum:10:0,out); val(out,internal2,cd); _retval:=internal1-internal2; end; begin check_date('01-01-95','01-01-94'); writeln('The # of days inbetween is = ',_retval); end.