{ (* Here is the code snippet I want to donate to SWAG. It works both in TP and in Delphi. The date is incremented correctly for all leap years, and I have not been able to find any bugs, but there are no guarantees :-). *) } function IncrementDate( ADate : STRING ) : STRING; (* ADate must take the form of mm/dd/yyyy *) (* The common mm/dd/yy form will not work!*) var LeapYear : BOOLEAN; ecode, (* an error code (not used here) *) dd, mm, yy : INTEGER; AString, DateString : STRING; begin (* Crude error trap *) AString := ADate; if Length( AString ) <> 10 then Halt( 1 ); if Copy( AString, 3, 1 ) <> '/' then Halt( 1 ); if Copy( AString, 6, 1 ) <> '/' then Halt( 1 ); (* Break ADate into its components *) AString := Copy( ADate, 1, 2 ); Val( AString, mm, ecode ); AString := Copy( ADate, 4, 2 ); Val( AString, dd, ecode ); AString := Copy( ADate, 7, 4 ); Val( AString, yy, ecode ); LeapYear := False; if yy mod 400 = 0 then (* this is why the year must be "yyyy" *) LeapYear := True else if( yy mod 4 = 0 ) and ( yy mod 100 <> 0 ) then LeapYear := True; (* Increment date and adjust month and year as necessary *) case mm of 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 : if dd < 31 then Inc( dd ) else begin dd := 1; Inc( mm ); end; 2 : case dd of 1..27 : Inc( dd ); 28 : if LeapYear = False then begin dd := 1; mm := 3; end else Inc( dd ); 29 : begin dd := 1; mm := 3; end; end;(*case*) 4, 6, 9, 11 : if dd < 30 then Inc( dd ) else begin dd := 1; Inc( mm ); end; 12 : begin if dd < 31 then Inc( dd ) else begin dd := 1; mm := 1; Inc( yy ); end; end; end;(*case*) (* Add month to DateString *) Str( mm, AString ); if Length( AString ) < 2 then DateString := '0'+AString+'/' else DateString := AString+'/'; (* Add day to DateString *) Str( dd, AString ); if Length( AString ) < 2 then DateString := DateString+'0'+AString+'/' else DateString := DateString+AString+'/'; (* Add year to DateString *) Str( yy, AString ); DateString := DateString+AString; IncrementDate := DateString; end;