{ *********************************************************************** * Program : Dayweek.PAS * * Compilation: Turbo Pascal 7.0 * * Written By: Brad Prendergast * * Date: 1995 * * Descriprion: * * This program is a short little utility to determine the day of * * the week a particular day falls on. All input must be integers. * * There is no error checking configured into this program. * ***********************************************************************} PROGRAM Day; USES Crt; PROCEDURE Figure_Day; CONST con : ARRAY [0..6] OF STRING= ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ); VAR f, m, y, d, tot : INTEGER; BEGIN WRITELN; TextColor ( LightBlue); WRITE ( 'Enter month (i.e. MM) : '); TextColor ( Magenta ); READLN ( m ); TextColor ( LightBlue ); WRITE ( 'Enter the day (i.e. DD) : '); TextColor ( Magenta ); READLN ( d ); TextColor ( LightBlue ); WRITE ( 'Enter Year (i.e. YYYY): '); TextColor ( Magenta ); READLN ( y ); TextColor ( LightGreen ); IF m < 3 THEN F := 365 * y + d + 31 * (m - 1) + trunc ((y - 1) / 4) - trunc (0.75 * trunc ((y - 1) / 100) + 1) ELSE f := 365 * y + d + 31 * (m - 1) - trunc (0.4 * m + 2.3) + trunc (y / 4) - trunc (0.75 * trunc (y / 100) + 1); tot := f MOD 7; WRITELN ( 'Day of week : ', con[tot] ); END; BEGIN Clrscr; Figure_Day; READLN; END.