{ > Has anyone done any work With DV's virtual screen? Someplace I > used to have the address For it, but I seem to have lost it. Does > anybody know what it is? > What I'm trying to do is bypass TJT's direct screen Writes by > replacing the BaseOfScreen Pointer With the one For DV's virtual > screen. if I can't do that then I'm going to have to make another > attempt at rewriting the assembly level screen routines. } Function DV_Video_Buffer; begin Reg.AH := $0F; INTR($10, Reg); if Reg.AL = 7 then Reg.ES := $B000 else Reg.ES := $B800; if DV_Loaded then begin Reg.DI := 0; Reg.AX := $FE00; INTR($10, Reg); end; DV_Video_Buffer := Reg.ES; end;