{ re: Finding a directory >Obviously that's not the quickest routine in the world, and though >it works, I was wondering if you have anything easier/faster? ...I don't know how much better this routine is, but you may want to give it a try: } { Determine if a directory exists. } Function DirExist(st_Dir : DirStr) : Boolean; Var wo_Fattr : Word; fi_Temp : File; begin assign(fi_Temp, (st_Dir + '.')); getfattr(fi_Temp, wo_Fattr); if (Doserror <> 0) then DirExist := False else DirExist := ((wo_Fattr and directory) <> 0) end; { DirExist. } { notE: The "DirStr" Type definition is found in the standard TP Dos Unit. Add this Unit to your Program's "Uses" statement to use this routine. }