uses crt,dos; { GERA.PAS - Global search utility to find and delete files. } {- drive not specified - uses the current } {- always starts at the root directory and searches every } { directory below it. } { C.V. Rutherford } { Public domain 12/28/93 } type PathRecPTR = ^PathRecord; PathRecord = record RDir: PathStr; Next: PathRecPTR; end; var CurTop, TempPTR: PathRecPTR; { Pointer to path references } FilesFound : Boolean; { end of utility display } procedure CheckAborted( ch : char ); begin if ch in [#27,^C] then begin writeln(#08,'... User abort !'); HALT(0); end; end; { PushDir/PopDir/ClearDir } { are used to save and restore directories during search } procedure PushDir( Rdir : PathStr ); begin New( TempPTR ); TempPTR^.RDir:= RDir; TempPTR^.Next:= NIL; if CurTop = Nil then CurTop := TempPTR else begin TempPTR^.Next := CurTop; CurTop := TempPTR; end; end; procedure PopDir(Var RDir : string ); begin if CurTop <> NIL then begin TempPTR := CurTop; CurTop := CurTop^.Next; RDir := TempPTR^.RDir; Dispose( TempPTR ); TempPTR := NIL; end; end; procedure ClearDir; begin while CurTop <> NIL do begin TempPTR := CurTop; CurTop := CurTop^.Next; FreeMem( TempPTR, sizeof(PathRecord )); TempPTR := NIL; end; end; procedure GetDir( PathN : string ); var f : searchrec; begin findfirst(PathN+'*.*', directory,f); while doserror = 0 do begin if (f.attr and directory) = directory then begin if ( <> '.') and ( <> '..') then pushdir( PathN'\'); end; findnext(f); end; end; procedure EraseFile( Source : string ); var F: file; ErrorCode : word; ch : char; begin write('Delete: ', Source+' [N]',#08+#08 ); ch := Upcase( Readkey ); if ch = 'Y' then begin write('Y'); Assign(F, Source); {$I-} Reset(F); {$I+} ErrorCode := IOResult; if errorCode = 0 then begin Close(F); {$I-} Erase(F); {$I+} ErrorCode := IOResult end; if ErrorCode <> 0 then write('] ', '... File Access denied'); end else CheckAborted( ch ); writeln; end; procedure GetFiles( PathN, FName : string ); var f : searchrec; begin findfirst(PathN+FName, anyfile,f); while keypressed do CheckAborted( Readkey ); { check for user abort } { 18 the only error we should get since we read the directory once before } { indicating no more file found } while doserror <> 18 do begin if (F.attr and directory) <> Directory then begin erasefile(; (* ERASE REFERENCE *) (* writeln(PathN+F.Name); FIND REFERENCE *) FilesFound := TRUE; end; findnext(f); end; end; procedure GlobalErase(Pname, mask : string ); begin pushdir(Pname); { Push the root directory } while curtop <> NIL do begin popdir( pname ); { get directory from list } getdir( pname ); { get its subdirectories } write('*',#13); {* provide an indicator } getfiles(pname, mask); { get directory files } write('-',#13); {* provide an indicator } end; write(' ',#13); {* clear the indicator } end; var Dir: DirStr; Name: NameStr; Ext: ExtStr; begin CheckBreak := FALSE; { use our abort } FilesFound := FALSE; if paramcount > 0 then begin FSplit(Paramstr(1), Dir, Name, Ext); Dir := fexpand(Dir); { Expand to get drive if not } { specified } Dir := Copy(Dir,1,1)+':\'; { Get drive or default drive } writeln; writeln('Global Erase.. '+Dir+name+Ext); if ( Name='') or (Ext='') or (Ext='.') then writeln('Invalid filename.. ?' ) else begin GlobalErase( Dir, Name+Ext ); if not FilesFound then writeln(Name+Ext+' not found ?'); end; end else writeln('Filename Not Specified.. ?'); cleardir; end.