program soupdir; {do a directory, listing SOUP files} { (950904) Copyright 1995 Russell Schulz this code is not in the Public Domain permission is granted to use these routines in any application regardless of commercial status as long as the author of these routines assumes no liability for any damages whatsoever for any reason. have fun. } uses dos,genericf; type nodep=^node; node=record filename: string; description: string; next: nodep; end; var head: nodep; procedure die(s: string); begin writeln(s); halt(1); end; procedure usage; begin writeln('usage: SOUPDIR'); halt(2); end; procedure lfreadln(var lff: text; var astring: string); var done: boolean; c: char; begin astring := ''; done := false; while not done do begin if eof(lff) then done := true else if length(astring)>=255 then done := true else begin read(lff,c); if c=#10 then done := true else if c<>#13 then astring := astring+c; end; end; end; procedure initialize; var areasf: text; tempstring: string; tempnodep: nodep; begin if paramcount<>0 then usage; head := nil; assign(areasf,'AREAS'); {$I-} reset(areasf); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then die('could not open AREAS file'); while not eof(areasf) do begin lfreadln(areasf,tempstring); new(tempnodep); tempnodep^.filename := chopfirstw(tempstring)+'.msg'; tempnodep^.description := chopfirstw(tempstring); tempnodep^.next := head; head := tempnodep; end; close(areasf); end; procedure process; var fileinfo: searchrec; filename: string; tempnodep: nodep; begin findfirst('*.MSG',archive,fileinfo); while doserror=0 do begin filename := lower(; {assume no packet will be bigger than a meg} write(leftjustify(filename,12,' '),' ',fileinfo.size:6,' '); tempnodep := head; while tempnodep<>nil do begin if tempnodep^.filename=filename then begin write(copy(tempnodep^.description,1,50)); tempnodep := nil; end else tempnodep := tempnodep^.next; end; writeln; findnext(fileinfo); end; end; procedure shutdown; begin end; begin initialize; process; shutdown; end. --