{ bcp100@cd4680fs.rrze.uni-erlangen.de (Peter Gedeck) : Does anyone have a relative path routine? An example of what I mean by a : relative path routine is the Turbo Pascal IDE's editor window titles. It : only displays as much of the files path name as is necessary. It should be : something like : function RelativePath(FullPath: string): string; This is what I use to get a relative file name. I think it works correctly and hope you will find it useful. } Uses Dos; function GetCurDir : DirStr; var CurDir : DirStr; begin GetDir(0, CurDir); GetCurDir := CurDir; end; function GetCurDrive : Char; assembler; asm MOV AH,19H INT 21H ADD AL,'A' end; function GetRelativeFileName(F : String) : String; var D : DirStr; N : NameStr; E : ExtStr; i : integer; rd : string; begin F := FExpand(F); FSplit(F, D, N, E); if GetCurDrive = D[1] then begin { Same Drive - remove Driveinformation from D } Delete(D, 1, 2); F := GetCurDir + '\'; Delete(F, 1, 2); { Maybe it is a file in a directory higher than the actual directory } i := Pos(F, d); if i > 0 then Delete(d, 1, length(F)) else begin rd := ''; if Pos(d, F) = 0 then repeat repeat rd := d[Ord(d[0])] + rd; dec(d[0]); until d[Ord(d[0])] = '\'; until Pos(d, F) > 0; { Maybe it is a file in a directory lower than the actual directory } if Pos(d, F) > 0 then begin repeat rd := '..\' + rd; dec(F[0]); while F[Ord(F[0])] <> '\' do dec(F[0]); until (Pos(d, F) > 0) and not ((d = '\') and (F <> '\')); d := rd; end; end; end; GetRelativeFileName := (D + N + E); end; begin Writeln(GetRelativeFileName('C:\qmpro\dl\bp\lib\ansi.pas')); end.