{ I've been puzzling over Share myself the last week. Here's some tips from what I've found: 1. Remember, if you are trying to write to the same region from both processes, you will *still* get a sharing violation with access denied to the last one to ask ! There is a subfunc, (440Bh I think) for changing the default number of tries that share will retry for access. You might want to look into that. Otherwise you could use something like the OpenTxtFile routine below, modified for use on non-text files, or both. (You aren't trying to share text files are you? If so, there IS a way to do it, let me know). 2. Also note that you set the filemode AFTER assignment, and BEFORE a reset, rewrite or append. 3. The following are 2 functions I've put together to handle my stuff. Note that the first is for non-text files, the second is for text files. The text file routine uses an external TFDD unit to set up the filemode variable so it works with text files. Holler if you want the unit also......... (* Call this to lock or unlock the ENTIRE file ****** use lock =$00 & unlock = $01 constants for action ********* ***** SHARE.EXE MUST be loaded ! ******* Do NOT use on Text Files ! will NOT work ! You could modify this to only lock certain regions by passing values for a start and stop region. Load CX/DX and DI/SI as done below. *) } Function LockFile(var f; action:byte):boolean; Var fsize : longint; Begin if GotShare then (* Share loaded ? *) begin fsize := longint(filesize(file(f))); (* Get filesize *) Regs.AH := $5C; (* Subfunc *) Regs.AL := Action; (* $00=Lock or $01=unlock *) Regs.BX := FileRec(f).Handle; (* Git the handle *) Regs.CX := Hi($00); (* Start of file *) Regs.DX := Lo($00); Regs.DI := Lo(fsize); (* Compute end of file *) Regs.SI := Hi(fsize); Intr($21, Regs); if ((Regs.FLAGS and $01) = 0) then LockFile := true else begin IORes := regs.AX; (* If fails, errcode is in AX *) LockFile := false; (* IORes is a global that gets *) end; (* used in IOReport if an error *) end; End; (*-------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Share compatable Will retry if access denied, tries times 5 Tries is equivilent to a 1/2 second wait ----- Sharing Method ----- Access Compatibility Deny Deny Deny Deny Method Mode Both Write Read None --------------------------------------------------------- Read Only 0 16 32 48 64 Write Only 1 17 33 49 65 Read/Write 2* 18 34 50 66 * = default *) FUNCTION OpenTxtFile(var f; fname:string; tries:word):boolean; VAR i : word; Begin i := 0; if GotShare then (* Share loaded ? *) begin AssignText(text(f),Fname); (* From TxtShare unit *) FileMode := 34; (* Open in r/w-deny write mode *) end else Assign(text(f),Fname); Repeat {$I-} Reset(text(f)); IORes := IoResult; {$I+} if IORes = 5 then (* Only repeat if denied access *) begin wait(100); (* Wait 1/10 second before retry *) INC(i); (* Use your own delay routine here *) end else i := tries; (* Quit if not a sharing deny *) Until (IORes = 0) OR (i >= tries); if GotShare then FileMode := 2; (* Set FileMode to default *) OpenTxtFile := IORes = 0; End; { ****** Here's a quick SHARE detect routine ********* } Function ShareInstalled : boolean; assembler; asm mov ax,$1000 int $2f end;