{ Hi ! Here is some source code I acquired from a Pascal echo some time ago. It shows one method of detecting which TP compiler created an .EXE: ------------------------------------------------------------------- { to compile type: tpc foo.pas } { exe: 9776 bytes by TP5.5 } {$A+,B-,E-,F-,I+,N-,O-,V+} {$M 4500,0,0} {$ifndef debug} {$D-,L-,R-,S-} {$else} {$D+,L+,R+,S+} {$endif} Program foo; Uses DOS; { dos unit from turbo pascal } TYPE { normal exe file header } EXEH = RECORD id, { exe signature } Lpage, { exe file size mod 512 bytes; < 512 bytes } Fpages, { exe file size div 512 bytes; + 1 if Lpage > 0 } relocitems, { number of relocation table items } size, { exe header size in 16-byte paragraphs } minalloc, { min mem. required in additional to exe image } maxalloc, { extra max. mem. desired beyond that required to hold exe's image } ss, { displacement of stack segment } sp, { initial SP register value } chk_sum, { complemented checksum } ip, { initial IP register value } cs, { displacement of code segment } ofs_rtbl, { offset to first relocation item } ovr_num : word; { overlay numbers } END; { window exe file header } WINH = RECORD id : word; { ignore the rest of data structures } END; str2 = string [2]; str4 = string [4]; str10 = string [10]; CONST no_error = 0; { no system error } t = #9; { ascii: hortizon tab } dt = t+t; tt = t+t+t; qt = t+t+t+t; cr = #13#10; { ascii: carriage return and line feed } VAR f : file; { source file, untyped } exehdr : exeh; { exe header contents } winhdr : winh; { window exe header contents } blocks_r : word; { number of blocks actually read } exe_size , { exe file length } hdr_size , { exe header size } img_size , { load module or exe image size } min_xmem , { min. extra memory needed } max_xmem , { max. extra memory wanted } o_starup : longint; { offset to start up code } dirfile : searchrec; compressed : boolean; function Hex(B :byte) :str2; CONST strdex :array [0..$F] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; BEGIN Hex := concat(strdex[B shr 4], strdex[B and $F]); END; function HexW(W :word) :str4; VAR byt :array [0..1] of byte absolute W; BEGIN HexW := Hex(byt[1])+Hex(byt[0]); END; function HexL(L :longint) :str10; TYPE Cast = RECORD Lo :word; Hi :word; END; BEGIN HexL := HexW(Cast(L).Hi)+' '+HexW(Cast(L).Lo); END; procedure print_info; CONST psp_size = $100; { size of psp, bytes } VAR i : byte; BEGIN hdr_size := longint(exehdr.size) shl 4; { exe header size, bytes } img_size := longint(exe_size) - hdr_size; { exe image size, bytes } min_xmem := longint(exehdr.minalloc) shl 4; { mim xtra mem, bytes } max_xmem := longint(exehdr.maxalloc) shl 4; { max xtra mem, bytes } o_starup := hdr_size + longint(exehdr.cs) shl 4 +longint(exehdr.ip); { ofs to start up code } writeln( qt, 'Dec':8, '':6, 'Hex', cr, 'EXE file size:', tt, exe_size:8, '':3, hexl(exe_size), cr, 'EXE header size:', dt, hdr_size:8, '':3, hexl(hdr_size), cr, 'Code + initialized data size:', t, img_size:8, '':3, hexl(img_size) ); writeln( 'Pre-relocated SS:SP', tt, '':3, hexw(exehdr.ss), ':', hexw(exehdr.sp) , cr, 'Pre-relocated CS:IP', tt, '':3, hexw(exehdr.cs), ':', hexw(exehdr.ip) ); writeln( 'Min. extra memory required:', t, min_xmem:8, '':3, hexl(min_xmem), cr, 'Max. extra memory wanted:', t, max_xmem:8, '':3, hexl(max_xmem), cr, 'Offset to start up code:', dt, '':3, hexl(o_starup), cr, 'Offset to relocation table:', dt, '':3, hexw(exehdr.ofs_rtbl):9 ); writeln( 'Number of relocation pointers:', t, exehdr.relocitems:8, cr, 'Number of MS overlays:', dt, exehdr.ovr_num:8, cr, 'File checksum value:', tt, '':3, hexw(exehdr.chk_sum):9, cr, 'Memory needed to start:', dt, img_size+min_xmem+psp_size:8 ); END; { print_info } procedure id_signature; { the core of this program } CONST o_01 = 14; { relative offset from cstr0 to cstr1 } o_02 = 16; { " " " cstr0 to cstr2 } o_03 = 47; { " " " cstr0 to cstr3 } cstr0 = 'ntime'; { constant string existed in v4-6 } cstr1 = 'at '#0'.'; { constant string existed in v4-6 } cstr2 = '$4567'; { constant string existed in v5-6 } cstr3 = '83,90'; { constant string existed in v6 only } strlen = 5; { length of cstr? } ar_itm = 3; { items+1 of string array } { the following figures have been turn-up explicitly and should not be changed } ofs_rte = 25 shl 4; { get close to 'run time error' str contants } maxchar = 11 shl 4; { max. size of buffer; for scanning } TYPE arstr = array [0..ar_itm] of string[strlen]; arbuf = array [0..maxchar] of char; VAR i, j, k : word; { index counter for array buffer } cstr : arstr; { signatures generated by tp compiler } o_fseg : word; { to hold segment value of any far call } o_sysseg: longint; { offset to tp system_unit_segment } buffer : arbuf; { searching for target strings } BEGIN {d} Seek(f, o_starup + 3); { move file pointer forward 3 bytes } {d} BlockRead(f, o_fseg, sizeof(o_fseg)); { get far call segment value } o_sysseg := longint(o_fseg) shl 4 +hdr_size; { ofs to system obj code } if (o_sysseg + ofs_rte <= dirfile.size) then BEGIN {d} Seek(f, o_sysseg+ofs_rte); { offset nearby tp signatures } {d} BlockRead(f, buffer, sizeof(buffer), blocks_r); for i := 0 to ar_itm do BEGIN cstr[i][0] := char(strlen); fillchar(cstr[i][1], strlen, '*'); END; i := 1; j := 1; k := 0; repeat if buffer[i] in ['n','t','i','m','e'] then BEGIN if (k > 0) and (k = i - 1) then inc(j); cstr[0][j] := buffer[i]; k := i; END; inc(i); until (cstr[0] = cstr0) or (i > maxchar) or (j > strlen); if (i+o_03 <= maxchar) then BEGIN dec(i, strlen); move(buffer[i+o_01], cstr[1][1], strlen); if (cstr[1] = cstr1) then BEGIN writeln( cr, 'Offset to TP system code:', dt, '':3, hexl(o_sysseg):9 ); write('Compiled by Borland TP v'); move(buffer[i-o_02], cstr[2][1], strlen); if (cstr[2] = cstr2) then BEGIN move(buffer[i+o_03], cstr[3][1], strlen); if (cstr[3] = cstr3) THEN writeln('6.0') ELSE writeln('5.0/5.5'); END ELSE writeln('4.0'); END; END; END; END; {procedure} procedure process_exefile; CONST ofs_whdr = $3C; { offset to MS-Window exe file id } exwid = $454E; { MS-Window exe file id } VAR o_sign, fsize :longint; BEGIN if (exe_size = dirfile.size) then BEGIN print_info; if not compressed then id_signature; writeln; END else BEGIN {d} Seek(f, ofs_whdr); { offset to 'offset to window exe signature' } {d} BlockRead(f, hdr_size, sizeof(hdr_size)); {d} if (hdr_size <= dirfile.size) then BEGIN Seek(f, hdr_size); { offset to new exe signature } {d} BlockRead(f, winhdr, sizeof(winhdr)); END; if (winhdr.id = exwid) then BEGIN writeln('Dos/MS-Window EXE or DLL file'); print_info; EXIT; END else BEGIN print_info; writeln( cr, 'file size (', exe_size, ') calculated from EXE header ', '(load by DOS upon exec)', cr, 'doesn''t match with file size (', dirfile.size, ') ', 'recorded on file directory.', cr, cr, '* EXE file saved with extra bytes at eof (e.g. debug info)', cr, '* EXE file may contain overlays', cr, '* possible a corrupted EXE file', cr ); EXIT; END; END; END; procedure id_file; CONST exeid = $5A4D; { MS-DOS exe file id } VAR zero : str2; BEGIN if (exehdr.id = exeid) then BEGIN if (exehdr.cs = $FFF0) and (exehdr.ip = $0100) and (exehdr.ofs_rtbl = $50) or (exehdr.ofs_rtbl = $52) then BEGIN writeln('Compressed by PKLITE'); compressed := true; END; if (exehdr.size = 2) and (exehdr.chk_sum = $899D) then BEGIN writeln( 'Compressed by DIET'); compressed := true; END; if (exehdr.Lpage > 0) then exe_size := longint(exehdr.Fpages - 1) shl 9+exehdr.Lpage else exe_size := longint(exehdr.Fpages) shl 9; process_exefile; END else writeln('Not EXE file'); END; {procedure} CONST blocksize = 1; { file r/w block size in one-byte unit } VAR path : dirstr; name : namestr; ext : extstr; fstr : string[48]; n : byte; BEGIN if paramcount < 1 then n := 0 else n := 1; fsplit(paramstr(n), path, name, ext); if (name+ext = '*.*') or (name+ext = '.' ) or (name+ext = '' ) then fstr := path+'*.exe' else if (path+ext = '') then fstr := paramstr(n)+'.exe' else if not boolean(pos('.', ext)) then BEGIN path := path+name+'\'; fstr := path+'*.exe'; END else fstr := paramstr(n); n := 0; {d} findfirst(fstr, anyfile, dirfile); while (doserror = no_error) do BEGIN if (dirfile.attr and volumeid <> volumeid) and (dirfile.attr and directory <> directory) and (dirfile.attr and sysfile <> sysfile) then BEGIN compressed := false; Assign(f, path+dirfile.name); {$I-} {d} Reset(f, blocksize); {$I+} if (IOResult = no_error) then BEGIN writeln(cr, dirfile.name); {d} BlockRead(f, exehdr, sizeof(exehdr), blocks_r); if (blocks_r = sizeof(exehdr)) then id_file else writeln('err:main'); close(f); inc(n); END; END; {d} findnext(dirfile); END; if (n = 0) then if doserror = 3 then writeln('path not found') else writeln('file not found') else writeln(n,' files found'); END.