program BIOS; { Compile in real mode only } uses Dos, Crt; const Coms:array[0..3] of String= ('Com1: ', 'Com2: ', 'Com3: ', 'Com4: '); Lpts:array[0..2] of String= ('Lpt1: ', 'Lpt2: ', 'Lpt3: '); type PBios = ^TBios; TBios = Record SerialPortAdd : Array [0..3] of Word; ParallelPortAdd : Array [0..3] of Word; EqptFlags : Word; MfgrTestFlags : Byte; MainMem, ExpRam, KbdStat : Word; KeyPad : Byte; KbdBuffHead, KbdBuffTail : Word; KbdBuff : Array [0..31] of Char; SeekStatus, MortotStatus, MortoCnt, DiskError : Byte; NECStatus : Array [0..6] of Byte; VideoMode : Byte; ScrnWidth, VideoBufferSize, VideoBufferOfs : Word; CursorPos : Array [0..7,0..1] of Byte; CursorBottom, CursorTop, ActiveDisplayPage : Byte; ActiveDisplayPort : Word; CRTModeReg, Palette : Byte; DataEdgeTimeCount, CRCReg : Word; LastCharInput : Char; Tick : Word; Hour : Integer; TimerOverFlow, BrkStatus : Byte; ResetFlag : Word; HardDiskStatus : LongInt; ParallelTimeout, SerialTimeout : Array[0..3] of Byte; KbdBufferOfs, KbdBufferEnd : Word; End; AtBios = Record Name : Array[0..164] of Char; End; var SaveAttr: Byte; procedure FlushKeyBuffer; var Recpack : registers; begin with recpack do begin Ax := ($0c shl 8) or 6; Dx := $00ff; end; Intr($21,recpack); end; Procedure CursorOff; assembler; asm mov AH, $01; mov CH, $20; mov CL, $20; int $10; End; procedure CursorSmall; Begin if LastMode <> CO80 then asm mov AH, $01; mov CH, 12; mov CL, 13; int $10; end else asm; mov AH, $01; mov CH, $06; mov CL, $07; int $10; end; end; function GetHexWord(w: Word): String; const hexChars: array [0..$F] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; begin GetHexWord := hexChars[Hi(w) shr 4] + hexChars[Hi(w) and $F] + hexChars[Lo(w) shr 4] + hexChars[Lo(w) and $F]; end; procedure WriteXY(X, Y: Integer; S: String); begin GotoXY(X, Y); Write(S); end; procedure WriteXY2(X, Y: Integer; S: String; W: Word); begin GotoXY(X, Y); Write(S); Write(W); end; procedure WriteXY3(X, Y: Integer; S: String; B: Boolean); begin GotoXY(X, Y); Write(S); Write(B); ClrEOL; end; procedure WriteData(Ticks: PBios); var SaveAttr, i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to 3 do WriteXY(1, 1 + i, Coms[i] + GetHexWord(Ticks^.SerialPortAdd[i])); for i := 0 to 2 do WriteXY(1, 6 + i, Lpts[i] + GetHexWord(Ticks^.ParallelPortAdd[i])); WriteLn; WriteXY2(1, 10, 'VideoMode: ', Ticks^.VideoMode); WriteXY2(1, 11, 'Dos Mem: ', Ticks^.MainMem); WriteXY(1, 12, 'Video Card Port Addresss: ' + GetHexWord(Ticks^.ActiveDisplayPort)); WriteXY2(1, 13, 'Tick: ', Ticks^.Tick); WriteXY2(1, 14, 'Hour: ', Ticks^.Hour); WriteXY2(1, 15, 'Break Status: ', Ticks^.BrkStatus); WriteXY2(1, 16, 'Palette: ', Ticks^.Palette); WriteXY3(1, 18, 'Right Shift: ', 0 <> Ticks^.KbdStat and 1); WriteXY3(1, 19, 'Left Shift: ', 0 <> Ticks^.KbdStat and 2); WriteXY3(1, 20, 'Ctrl : ', 0 <> Ticks^.KbdStat and 4); WriteXY3(1, 21, 'Alt: ', 0 <> Ticks^.KbdStat and 8); WriteXY3(1, 22, 'Scroll Lock: ', 0 <> Ticks^.KbdStat and 16); WriteXY3(1, 23, 'Num Lock: ', 0 <> Ticks^.KbdStat and 32); WriteXY3(1, 24, 'Caps Lock: ', 0 <> Ticks^.KbdStat and 64); { WriteXY3(1, 24, 'Insert: ', 0 <> Ticks^.KbdStat and 128); } GotoXY(1,25); SaveAttr := TextAttr; TextAttr := 0 + 7 * 16; Write(' Press Shift, Alt, Caps Lock, etc, to see status of keys' + '-- Any key to exit '); TextAttr := SaveAttr; end; procedure Opening; begin SaveAttr := TextAttr; TextAttr := 7 + 1 * 16; ClrScr; GotoXY(1,25); TextAttr := 0 + 7 * 16; ClrEOL; TextAttr := 11 + 1 * 16; CursorOff; end; var Sel : Word; Ticks: PBios; { Ticks : TBios Absolute Seg0040; } begin Opening; Ticks := Ptr($0000, $0400); repeat WriteData(Ticks); until KeyPressed; CursorSmall; FlushKeyBuffer; TextAttr := SaveAttr; end.