{ INI File Reading Unit-- THis UNIT will allow you to use *.INI files for config instead of a full blown setup program, it will read ALMOST ALL INI files, except for ones such as CGA.INI. I'm sure no one will have trouble with it, it is pretty straight forward (even a C/C++ programmer could understand it ) NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Well, I'm sure I bugged some people on the FIDOs about stupid errors while making this, as it turns out, I have finished my until already after just getting rid of the last known bug. I am releasing this as public domain, if you find it usefull, I would appreciate credit. And please, if you make changes, send me a copy. USE: (An example is included at the end) 1) Change the constant MAXINI to the maxium amount of variables. 2) Declare a variable of INI_TYP. 3) Run INIVALS at the start of your program 4) Assign the ITEMSTR value to the keyword to look for (ie.. if you wanted to associate ANYVAR[1].ITEMSTR := 'HERE', then if this is found in the file "HERE=THERE", the return result of ANYVAR[1].RESULT will be "THERE") 5) Run READINI on the INI file. 6) Use the values returned in RESULT for config. FYI.. Case/Spaces/Tabs do not matter NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE! BTW.. I cut this code from a program of mine where I originally created it, if it doesnt work tell me and I will add whatever I forgot. So far it seems to have no obvious problems. SWAG use is permitted. ONE FINAL NOTE: I blame all bugs/spelling errors/etc.. on my word processor. You use this program at your own risk, I will do accept any liability for ANY problems whatsoever. No animals were harmed in the making of this program. } {$IFDEF DEBUG} {$A+,B-,D+,F-,G-,I-,K-,L-,N-,E-,P-,Q+,R+,S+,T-,V-,W-,X+,Y-} {$ELSE} {$A+,B-,D-,F-,G-,I-,K-,L-,N-,E-,P-,Q-,R-,S-,T-,V-,W-,X+,Y-} {$ENDIF} UNIT INIT; { see test program below } Interface Type Str12 = String[12]; Str26 = String[26]; Str35 = String[35]; Str75 = String[75]; Str127 = String[127]; Const MaxIni = 5; {Change this to whatever} CommentSet : Set Of Char = ['[','!','#','/','>']; INI_FNotFound = $02; {Returned by READINI} INI_FIOError = $01; {""} INI_FOk = $00; {""} Type INI_REC = Record KEY : Str35; {keyword} Result : Str35; {Found after: ItemStr,'=',Result} Found : Boolean; {Found yet?} End; INI_TYP = Array[1..MaxIni] of INI_REC; Procedure InitVals(Var a999 : INI_TYP); Function ReadIni(F:Str75;var InIv : Ini_Typ):Byte; Function _S3(Base : String;Var S1,S2 : String):Byte; Function EraseChar2(Ch:Char;St:String):String; Function UpStr(const s:string):string; Implementation Procedure InitVals(Var A999 : INI_TYP); Var W:Word; Begin For W := 1 to MaxIni do A999[W].Found := False; End; Function EraseChar2(Ch:Char;St:String):String; Var NB:Byte; Begin For NB := 1 to length(St) do If St[Nb] = CH then Delete(St,Nb,1); EraseChar2 := St; End; {Function EraseChar(Ch:Char;St:String):String; Begin While Copy(St, 1, 1) = CH do Delete(St, 1, 1); While Copy(St, Length(St), 1) = CH do Delete(St, Length(St), 1); EraseCHar := St; End;} Function _S3(Base : String;Var S1,S2 : String):Byte; var B,B2:Byte; Begin _S3 := 0; B := Pos('=',Base); If B > 1 then Begin S1 := Copy(Base,1,B-1); S2 := Copy(Base,B+1,Length(Base)); S1 := EraseChar2(' ',S1); End Else _S3 := 1; End; Function ReadIni(F:Str75;var InIv : Ini_Typ):Byte; Var INIFILE:Text; TempStr : Str127; S1,S2 : Str35; W1 : Word; Begin Assign(INIFILE, F); Reset(INIFILE); READINI := 0; IF IOresult <> 0 then Begin ReadInI := INI_FNotFound; Exit; End; While not EOF(INIFILE) do Begin Readln(INIFILE, TempStr); {Load String} If length(TempStr) > 3 then {Min: A=A} Begin TempStr := UpStr(TempStr); {Make it caps} TempStr := EraseChar2(' ',TempStr); {Get rid of spaces} TempStr := EraseChar2(#9,TempStr); {Get rid of tabs} If not (TempStr[1] in CommentSet) then {Not a comment?} If _S3(TempStr, S1, S2) = 0 then {Is it a valid param?} For W1 := 1 to MaxIni do Begin{Search all INI variables} If not INIV[W1].Found then {has not been checked out} If UpStr(INIV[W1].Key) = S1 then {Do they match?} Begin INIV[W1].Result := S2; INIV[W1].Found := True; W1 := MaxINI; {ENd search} End;{Begin If ItemStr = S1} End;{For W1 to} End;{If Length > 3} End;{While not EOF} Close(INIFILE); End; Function UpStr(const s:string):string; assembler; {Upper Case String} {This is the only code that is not mine...} asm push ds lds si,s les di,@result lodsb { load and store length of string } stosb xor ch,ch mov cl,al jcxz @empty { FIX for null length string } @upperLoop: lodsb cmp al,'a' jb @cont cmp al,'z' ja @cont sub al,' ' @cont: stosb loop @UpperLoop @empty: pop ds end; { UpStr } ENd. {------------------ test program -----------------------} {This will open the windows INI file WIN.INI and find data} Program Test; Uses INIT; Const INIFILEStr = 'C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI'; Var ANyA : INI_TYP; Result : Byte; Begin INITVALS(ANYA); ANYA[1].Key := 'sCountry'; Result := ReadINI(INIFILEstr,ANYA); If Result <> INI_FOK then Begin Writeln(''); Writeln('It seems that you are missing the file ',INIFILEStr); Writeln('so I cannot detect your country.'); Writeln(''); readln; Halt(1); End; Writeln(''); Writeln('It seems that you live in the ',ANYA[1].RESULT,'.'); Writeln('What a great place!'); Writeln(''); Readln; ENd.