{ ENVIRON.PAS Revision 1.00 } { Written 4 Nov 1994 by Robert B. Clark } { ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ } { A collection of DOS environment routines for Turbo Pascal v4.0. } { Requires DOS v3.0+. Tested on 486/P5 MS-DOS 5/6.22/NW 3.11 } { } { Donated to the public domain 17 Jan 96 by Robert B. Clark. } { May be included in SWAG if so desired. } { } { WARNING: High-ASCII line-drawing characters are used in the Shell() } { function near the end of this listing. Use the appropriate } { emulation for your printer if you print this code. } { } { Last updated: 04 Apr 95 } { ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ } UNIT Environ; { SEE DEMO AT THE BOTTOM ! } {$B+ Boolean short-circuit D- No debug information S- No stack overflow checking R- Range checking off V- VAR string length checking off I- I/O checking off } INTERFACE Uses Dos {$IFDEF UseLib} ,Files { For FNStrip(), MAXPATHLEN and fileSpecType } {$ENDIF} ; { ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄStart personal lib interfaceÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ } {$IFNDEF UseLib Definitions from my FILES.TPU unit } CONST MAXPATHLEN = 64; TYPE fileSpecType = string[MAXPATHLEN]; {$ENDIF} { ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄEnd personal lib functionsÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ } CONST MAX_EVAR_LEN = 127; { Maximum environment variable length } MAX_EVAR_BLEN = 32768; { Maximum size of environment block } TYPE evarType = string[MAX_EVAR_LEN]; envSizeType = 0..32768; MCBType = record BlockID : byte; OwnerPSP : word; ParentPSP : word; BlockSize : longint; OwnerName : string[8]; MCB_Seg : word; MCB_Ofs : word end; VAR MASTER_MCB : MCBType; MASTER_ENVSEG, CURRENT_ENVSEG : word; COMSPEC : evarType; { Value of COMSPEC evar } PROGRAMNAME : fileSpecType; { Name of executing program } { ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ } FUNCTION EnvSize(envSeg: word): envSizeType; FUNCTION MaxEnvSize(envSeg: word): envSizeType; FUNCTION GetEnv(evar:evarType; envSeg: word): evarType; PROCEDURE DelEnv(evar:evarType; envSeg: word); FUNCTION GetFirstMCB: word; PROCEDURE InitMCBType(var mcb: MCBType); PROCEDURE ReadMCB(var mcb: MCBType; var last, root: boolean); PROCEDURE FindRootEnv(var mcb: MCBType); FUNCTION PutEnv(evar,value: evarType; envSeg: word): boolean; PROCEDURE AllocateBlock(var blockSize: longint; var segment: word); FUNCTION DeallocateBlock(segment: word): boolean; FUNCTION Shell(prompt: evarType): integer; {$IFNDEF UseLib Normally in Files.TPU } FUNCTION FNStrip(s: fileSpecType; specifier: byte): fileSpecType; {$ENDIF} { ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ } IMPLEMENTATION { ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄStart personal lib implementationÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ } {$IFNDEF UseLib Functions from my FILES.TPU unit } FUNCTION FNStrip(s: fileSpecType; specifier: byte): fileSpecType; { Extracts (strips) specific portions of a fully-qualified filename. The specifier is the sum of the desired portions: Bit 76543210 Dec .......x Extension 1 ......x. Basename 2 .....x.. Path 4 ....x... Disk letter 8 A specifier of 0 is same as a specifier of 15 (all parts returned). } var j,len,lastSlash, lastDot: integer; disk: string[2]; path,temp: fileSpecType; baseName: string[8]; ext: string[4]; begin disk:=''; path:=''; baseName:=''; ext:=''; temp:=''; specifier:=specifier and $0f; { Strip high bits } {TrueName(s);} { Canonize filespec } len:=Length(s); if (specifier=0) or (specifier=15) then { Return full name } begin FNStrip:=s; exit end; lastSlash:=0; lastDot:=0; j:=len; while (lastSlash=0) and (j>0) do { Get lastSlash & lastDot indices } begin if s[j]='\' then lastSlash:=j; if (lastDot=0) and (s[j]='.') then lastDot:=j; dec(j) end; if (len>0) and (s[2] in [':','\']) then disk:=s[1]+s[2]; if (lastSlash>0) then begin if (disk<>'') then j:=3 else j:=1; path:=Copy(s,j,lastSlash-j+1) end; if (lastDot > lastSlash) then j:=lastDot-1 else j:=len; baseName:=Copy(s,lastSlash+1,j-lastSlash); if (lastDot>0) then ext:=Copy(s,lastDot,len-lastDot+1); if (specifier and 8) >0 then temp:=temp+disk; if (specifier and 4) >0 then temp:=temp+path; if (specifier and 2) >0 then temp:=temp+baseName; if (specifier and 1) >0 then temp:=temp+ext; FNStrip:=temp end; {FNStrip} {$ENDIF} { ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄEnd personal lib implementationÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ } FUNCTION EnvSize(envSeg: word): envSizeType; { Returns current size of environment segment 'envSeg' NOT INCL 2nd 00.} var i: envSizeType; begin i:=0; while (Mem[envSeg:i] <> 0) or (Mem[envSeg:i+1] <> 0) and (i chr(0)) and not done do { while not EOBlock } begin if MatchEvar(evar,p) then begin IncPtr(p); { Skip past '=' char } while (p^ <> chr(0)) and (i chr(0)) do { No match; skip to end of ASCIIZ } IncPtr(p); IncPtr(p) { Advance pointer to next string } end; end; {while} GetEnv := s end; {GetEnv} PROCEDURE DelEnv(evar:evarType; envSeg: word); { Removes environment variable 'evar' from environment table at 'envSeg'. } var found : boolean; p : pType; i : integer; s : evarType; b0,b1,len : word; begin {DelEnv} p:=ptr(envSeg,0); { Point to start of evar table } i:=0; found:=false; s[0]:=#0; while (p^ <> chr(0)) and not found do begin if MatchEvar(evar,p) then begin b1:=ofs(p^)-length(evar); { First byte of evar (dest)} while(p^ <> chr(0)) do IncPtr(p); IncPtr(p); b0:=ofs(p^); { Next evar (start) } len:=EnvSize(envSeg)-b0+1; { Length of region } if (len>0) then begin Move(Mem[envSeg:b0],Mem[envSeg:b1],len) end else begin FillChar(Mem[envSeg:b1],2,0) end; found:=true end else begin while (p^ <> chr(0)) do { No match; skip to end of ASCIIZ } IncPtr(p); IncPtr(p) { Advance pointer to next string } end; end; {while} end; {DelEnv} FUNCTION GetFirstMCB: word; { Get segment address of first MCB using the undocumented DOS Interrupt 21/52 Get List of Lists. } var r: Registers; begin r.AH:=$52; MsDos(r); { Get List of Lists in ES:BX; 1st MCB seg is at [BX-2] } GetFirstMCB:=MemW[r.ES:r.BX-2] end; {GetFirstMCB} PROCEDURE InitMCBType(var mcb: MCBType); { Resets MCB record data to zero; segment to that of the first MCB } begin with mcb do begin MCB_Seg := GetFirstMCB; MCB_Ofs := 0; BlockID := 0; OwnerPSP:= 0; ParentPSP:=0; BlockSize:=0; OwnerName[0]:=chr(0) end; end; {InitMCBType} PROCEDURE ReadMCB(var mcb: MCBType; var last, root: boolean); { Collects info about the MCB pointed to by mcb_seg:mcb_ofs. 'last' will be true if this is the last MCB in the chain; 'root' will be true if this MCB's owner is the same as the PSP owner.} var p : ^MCBType; i : integer; begin {ReadMCB} p:=Ptr(seg(mcb),ofs(mcb)); with mcb do begin blockID := Mem[MCB_Seg:MCB_Ofs]; { Block type = 'M' or 'Z' } p^.ownerPSP:=MemW[MCB_Seg:MCB_Ofs+1]; { PSP segment of MCB owner } parentPSP:= MemW[ownerPSP:$0016]; { Parent/self PSP segment } blockSize:= MemW[MCB_Seg:MCB_Ofs+3]; { Size of MCB in paragraphs} for i:=$08 to $0f do ownerName[i-7]:=Chr(Mem[MCB_Seg:MCB_Ofs+i]); ownerName[0]:=chr(8); { DOS v4.0+ } last := blockID <> $4D; { True if this is the last MCB } root := (parentPSP = ownerPSP) { True if this is the root MCB } end; {with} end; {ReadMCB} PROCEDURE FindRootEnv(var mcb: MCBType); { Walks the MCB chain until root environment is found (MCB owner = parent_id). Returns the segment of that process' environment in the MCB record. } var last,root : boolean; offset : longint; block : integer; begin InitMCBType(mcb); block:=0; repeat ReadMCB(mcb,last,root); Inc(block); if not root then begin offset := mcb.MCB_Ofs+16+(mcb.BlockSize*16); mcb.MCB_Ofs := offset mod $10000; mcb.MCB_Seg := mcb.MCB_Seg + (offset div $10000) end; until root or (block>100) { Til root found or 100 blocks examined } end; {FindRootEnv} FUNCTION PutEnv(evar,value: evarType; envSeg: word): boolean; { Put environment variable 'evar' into environment segment 'envSeg' and give it the value 'value'. If 'value' is null, effect is same as if DelEnv() was called. Returns true if successful. } var len, origLen, i : integer; maxSize, currentSize: envSizeType; s: evarType; begin s:=evar+'='+value+chr(0)+chr(0); { Make evar string } len:=length(s); { Length includes terminal 0000 } origLen:=length(GetEnv(evar,envSeg))+length(evar)+2; currentSize:=EnvSize(envSeg); maxSize:=MaxEnvSize(envSeg); if (currentSize-origLen+len > maxSize) then begin PutEnv:=false; { Insufficient space } exit end; DelEnv(evar,envSeg); { Delete evar if exists } if value[0]=chr(0) then begin { Empty evar value string } PutEnv:=true; { Same as calling DelEnv() } exit end; currentSize:=EnvSize(envSeg); for i:=1 to length(s) do { Write string to environment } Mem[envSeg:currentSize-1+i] :=ord(s[i]); PutEnv:=true end; {PutEnv} function GetProgramName: fileSpecType; { Returns fully-qualified filespec of the currently-executing program. This function should be called before any PutEnv() operations. Req. DOS v3.0+ } var envSeg: word; p: ^char; i: integer; s: string; begin envSeg:=MemW[PrefixSeg:$002C]; { PSP:002C == environment segment } p:=Ptr(envSeg,EnvSize(envSeg)+3); { Points to 1st char of filename } i:=0; while (p^ <> chr(0)) and (i 0 then para:=para+1; with regs do begin AH := $48; { Int 21/48 - Allocate Memory } BX := para; { Returns NC if ok, AX=segment; otherwise CY } MsDos(regs); { If CY, AX=7 MCB destroyed, 8=insuff memory } para:=BX; { BX=largest available block } blockSize:=para*16; { Return adjusted block size in bytes } if Flags and FCarry <> 0 then { Allocation error } AllocateBlock(blockSize,segment) else begin segment:=AX { Segment of allocated memory block } end; end; end; {AllocateBlock} FUNCTION DeallocateBlock(segment: word): boolean; { Releases a block of memory reserved by Int 21/48 to the DOS pool. Returns true if no error. } var regs: Registers; begin with regs do begin AH := $49; { Int 21/49 - Release Memory } ES := segment; { Returns NC if ok, otherwise CY set and } MsDos(regs); { AX=7 MCB destroyed, 9=invalid MCB address } end; DeallocateBlock:=not (regs.Flags and FCarry <> 0); end; {DeallocateBlock} FUNCTION Shell(prompt: evarType): integer; { Invokes an OS command shell with custom prompt string. In order to make enough room for a custom prompt evar, a new environment block for this process is created, assigned to the current PSP, and is then inherited by the child COMSPEC process. If the prompt is null, the default prompt "[progname] $p$g" will be used. Returns the DOS error code from the Exec function: 0 = No error 2 = File not found 3 = Path not found 5 = Access denied 6 = Invalid handle 8 = Not enough memory 10 = Invalid environment 11 = Invalid format 18 = No more files } var ShellEnvSeg : word; len : envSizeType; bytesRequested : longint; rcode : integer; begin if prompt='' then prompt:='['+FNStrip(PROGRAMNAME,2)+'] ' + GetEnv('PROMPT',CURRENT_ENVSEG); ShellEnvSeg:=0; if COMSPEC<>'' then begin len := EnvSize(CURRENT_ENVSEG)+1; bytesRequested := len + Length(prompt)+8; AllocateBlock(bytesRequested,ShellEnvSeg); Move(Mem[CURRENT_ENVSEG:0], Mem[ShellEnvSeg:0], len); MemW[PrefixSeg:$002c] := ShellEnvSeg; if not PutEnv('PROMPT',prompt,ShellEnvSeg) then writeln(#10#13#7'*** Insufficient environment space ', 'for custom prompt!'); writeln; { Yes, this is ugly. Sorry. :-) } writeln( 'ÉÍ͵ DOS Shell ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»'); writeln( 'º º'); writeln( 'º You are in a temporary DOS Shell. Do not load any resident º'); writeln( 'º programs (such as PRINT or DOSKEY) while you are in this shell. º'); writeln( 'º º'); writeln( 'º When done, type EXITÙ to return to your application. º'); writeln( 'º º'); writeln( 'ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ'); Exec(COMSPEC,''); rcode:=DosError; { Needs 64k to load } MemW[PrefixSeg:$002C]:=CURRENT_ENVSEG; { Restore original env } if not DeAllocateBlock(ShellEnvSeg) then begin writeln(#7'*** Memory deallocation problem. Aborting....'); halt(7) end; end {if comspec} else rcode:=-1; Shell:=rcode end; {Shell} { ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ } { Initialize public variables: MASTER_MCB Root memory control block record MASTER_ENVSEG Segment of master environment block CURRENT_ENVSEG Segment of current process' environment block COMSPEC String set to value of "COMSPEC" evar. PROGRAMNAME Fully-qualified name of executing program. } BEGIN FindRootEnv(MASTER_MCB); MASTER_ENVSEG := MemW[MASTER_MCB.OwnerPSP:$002c]; CURRENT_ENVSEG := MemW[PrefixSeg:$002C]; COMSPEC:=GetEnv('COMSPEC',MASTER_ENVSEG); PROGRAMNAME := GetProgramName END. {unit} { ------------------------- DEMO ---------------------- } (*********************************************************************** Walk Memory Control Block chain Version 1.00 Demonstration of Environ.TPU (and other stuff too, I guess). Written Jan 17 1996 Robert B. Clark Donated to the public domain; inclusion in SWAG freely permitted. Usage: WALKMCB [evar] [new_value] ================================= If 'evar' is not specified, WALKMCB simply demonstrates how to walk the MCB chain. If 'evar' _is_ specified, WALKMCB displays the master environment value of 'evar' and sets the current value of 'evar' to 'new_value.' It then demonstrates the shell to DOS function Shell() so that you may verify the changed environment variable by typing SET at the shelled command line. Note that the 'evar' argument IS case-sensitive, to accomodate the infamous "windir" evar Microsoft foisted upon us. ********************************************************************) Program WalkMCB; {$M 8096,0,1024} { Stack, min heap, max heap} {$DEFINE DispMCB} { Display MCBs while walking } Uses Dos, Environ { FOUND IN DOS.SWG ! } {$IFDEF UseLib} ,Convert,Global { Hex conversions, various } {$ELSE} ,Crt {$ENDIF} ; CONST CREDIT = ' v1.00 Written Jan 17 1996 Robert B. Clark'; (**********************************************************************) {$IFNDEF UseLib} { Selected functions from personal units } (* KeyBd.TPU *) PROCEDURE ClearKeybd; inline($FA/ { cli ; Disable interrupts } $33/$C0/ { xor ax,ax ; Head/tail keybuf ptrs } $8E/$C0/ { mov es,ax ; at 40:001A and 40:001C } $26/$A0/$1A/$04/ { es mov al,b[041a] ; Head ptr in AL } $26/$A2/$1C/$04/ { es mov b[041c],al ; Now tail=head } $FB); { sti ; Reenable interrupts } {ClearKeybd} (* Convert.TPU *) FUNCTION HexByte(b:byte):string; { Converts decimal to hexadecimal byte string } const hexDigits: array [0..15] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; begin HexByte:=hexDigits[b shr 4] + hexDigits[b and $F] end; {HexByte} FUNCTION HexWord(w:word): string; { Converts decimal to hexadecimal word string } begin HexWord:=HexByte(hi(w)) + HexByte(lo(w)) end; {HexWord} FUNCTION HexDWord(w:longint): string; { Converts decimal to hexadecimal doubleword string. } begin if (w<0) then w:=w-$10000; HexDWord:=HexWord(w div 65536) + HexWord(w mod 65536) end; {HexDWord} (* Global.TPU *) PROCEDURE SetRedirect(var infile,outfile: string); { Sets Input/Output to DOS STDIN/OUT routines. } begin Assign(Output,outFile); { Set up for STDOUT output } Rewrite(Output); Assign(Input,inFile); { Set up for STDIN input } Reset(Input) end; {SetRedirect} FUNCTION CurSize:word; { Returns current size of cursor. The high byte is the beginning scan line; the low byte is the ending scan line. } var regs: Registers; begin with regs do { Get current cursor size } begin AH:=$03; { Want BIOS Int 10h/3, Read Cursor Pos/Size } BH:=$00; { Video page number } Intr($10,regs); { BH=page #, CX=beg/end scan line, DX=row/col} CurSize:=CX end; end; {CurSize} PROCEDURE Cursor_OnOff(on:boolean); { Toggles the cursor on and off. } var regs: Registers; sbeg:byte; begin sbeg:=hi(CurSize); { Get starting scan row } if (on) then sbeg:=sbeg and $df { Toggle bit 5 } else sbeg:=sbeg or $20; with regs do begin AH:=$01; { Want BIOS Int 10h/1 Set cursor size } CH:=sbeg; { Beginning cursor scan line } CL:=lo(CurSize); { Ending cursor scan line } Intr($10,regs) end; end; {Cursor_OnOff} PROCEDURE Pause; { Simply waits for the user to press [Enter] while displaying a spinning cursor. Invalid keypresses cause a tone to sound. The keyboard buffer is cleared upon entry and exit. } procedure Tone(hz,duration:word); { Produces tone at 'hz' frequency and of 'duration' ms } begin Sound(hz); Delay(duration); NoSound end; {Tone} const cursor: array[0..6] of char = '-\|/-\|'; var okChar: boolean; c: char; i,x,y: shortint; begin Cursor_OnOff(false); write(#10#13'Press Enter'#17#217' to continue... '); x:=WhereX; y:=WhereY; ClearKeybd; okChar:=false; repeat inc(i); i:=i mod 7; write(cursor[i]); gotoxy(x,y); Delay(55); if KeyPressed then begin c:=ReadKey; if c=#0 then c:=ReadKey; { Toss extended byte } if c=chr(13) then okChar:=true else Tone(2000,100) end; until okChar; gotoxy(1,y); ClrEol; gotoXY(1,y); ClearKeybd; Cursor_OnOff(true); end; {Pause} {$ENDIF} (* End of unit functions from personal libs *) (* ******************************************************************* *) procedure DisplayMCB(mcb: MCBType; block_num: integer); begin with mcb do begin writeln('MCB Block #',block_num:3,': Address ',HexWord(MCB_Seg), ':', HexWord(MCB_Ofs), ' Absolute: ', HexDWord(MCB_Seg*16+MCB_Ofs)); write(' Block Type : ',HexByte(blockID),' ('); if (blockID<>$4D) and (blockID<>$5A) then writeln('ERROR)') else writeln(chr(blockID),')'); write(' PSP of Owner : ',HexWord(ownerPSP)); if ownerPSP=0 then write(' (free)') else if ownerPSP=8 then write(' (DOS) ') else write(' '); writeln(' Owner: ',ownerName); { Garbage if DOS <4.0 } writeln(' PSP PARENT_ID : ',HexWord(parentPSP)); writeln(' ENVSEG : ',HexWord(MemW[ownerPSP:$002c])); writeln(' Size of MCB : ',HexWord(blockSize),' paragraphs (', blockSize*16,' bytes).'); writeln end; end; {DisplayMCB} procedure WalkChain(var mcb: MCBType); { Walks the MCB chain until block type is no longer 4D (M).} var last,root : boolean; offset : longint; block : integer; begin InitMCBType(mcb); block:=0; repeat ReadMCB(mcb,last,root); Inc(block); {$IFDEF DispMCB} DisplayMCB(mcb,block); {$ENDIF} if not last then begin offset := mcb.MCB_Ofs+16+(mcb.BlockSize*16); mcb.MCB_Ofs := offset mod $10000; mcb.MCB_Seg := mcb.MCB_Seg + (offset div $10000) end; until last end; {WalkChain} procedure Header(walk:boolean); begin writeln; if walk then begin writeln('WALK MEMORY CONTROL BLOCK CHAIN'); writeln('===============================') end else begin writeln('ENVIRONMENT MANIPULATION AND THE DOS SHELL'); writeln('===========================================') end; writeln('Current PSP (PrefixSeg) is ',HexWord(PrefixSeg)); writeln('The parent PSP segment is ',HexWord(MemW[prefixSeg:$0016])); writeln('The environment segment is ',HexWord(CURRENT_ENVSEG)); writeln; end; {Header} procedure GetParms(var p1,p2: evarType); { Get command line parameters 1 and 2 } var i:integer; begin p1:=''; p2:=''; p1:=ParamStr(1); i:=2; while ParamStr(i) <> '' do { Param 2 is concatenated p2, p3, ... } begin p2:=p2 + ParamStr(i); if ParamStr(i+1) <> '' then p2:=p2+' '; Inc(i) end; end; (**************************************************************************) var mcb : MCBType; walk: boolean; x : integer; evar,value: evarType; prompt: evarType; infile,outfile: string; begin {main} infile:=''; outfile:=''; SetRedirect(infile,outfile); { Use STDIN/OUT } GetParms(evar,value); prompt:='$e[1m['+FNStrip(PROGRAMNAME,2)+'] $e[0m$p$g'; walk:=evar=''; Header(walk); if walk then begin WalkChain(mcb); writeln('The last MCB in the chain is at ', HexWord(mcb.MCB_Seg),':', HexWord(mcb.MCB_Ofs),'.'); end else begin writeln('The master (root) Memory Control Block is at ', HexWord(MASTER_MCB.MCB_Seg),':', HexWord(MASTER_MCB.MCB_Ofs),'.'); writeln('The root environment is at ',HexWord(MASTER_ENVSEG), ':0000 and its maximum size is ',MaxEnvSize(MASTER_ENVSEG), ' bytes.'); writeln('The master environment size is ', EnvSize(MASTER_ENVSEG),' bytes.'); writeln('Current environment (',HexWord(CURRENT_ENVSEG), ') size is ',EnvSize(CURRENT_ENVSEG),' bytes.'); writeln('Master : ',evar,'="', GetEnv(evar,MASTER_ENVSEG),'"'); writeln('Current : ',evar,'="', GetEnv(evar,CURRENT_ENVSEG),'"'); if not PutEnv(evar,value,CURRENT_ENVSEG) then writeln(#10#13#7'*** Insufficient environment space!'); writeln('After : ',evar,'="', GetEnv(evar,CURRENT_ENVSEG),'"'); Pause; x:=Shell(''); {prompt);} { Try both } writeln; writeln('Shell() returned DOS code ',x) end; writeln(FNStrip(PROGRAMNAME,2),CREDIT) end.