(* > Hi, I am trying to write a program the writes to Standard output, > and reads from Standard input from windows console (win95 dosprmpt, winnt > dosprmpt)... so the io can be redirected. The program must be a windows > program for the project to work: > Using the program as a script for Microsoft Internet > Information Server on Winnt 3.51, the web server will not execute dos based stdio > programs. I have tried using program script(input,output) which reports file not > open for write, I have added rewrite(output) which causes an error because output not assigned. I have assigned output to '' which outputs nothing to the console or the redirected file. > > If anyone understands my problem, and has an idea or > solution, > please help me. Thank you. > > Ok, here is the solution to your prob : you need to write a text file device driver. I just happen to have code. You want the StdOut things, i can't remember how it works =( p.s. the file's attached. (*) unit SimultIO; {$D-,F+,R-} (* Unit for simultaneous I/O. This will be useful for redirection - when you write to a file assigned to by AssignSimult, data written to it will write to the file AND the screen. *) interface {$F+} procedure AssignSimult(var f : text;n : string); far; {$F-} implementation uses Dos,CRT; var R : Registers; OP : Text; {$F+} function WriteByteToFile(FileHandle : Word;var value) : integer;far; {$F-} var r : registers; begin r.ah := $40; r.bx := FileHandle; r.cx := 1; r.ds := seg(value); r.dx := ofs(value); MsDos(R); if (r.flags and fcarry)<>0 then begin r.ah := $59; (* Get extended error info *) msdos(R); WriteByteToFile := r.ax; (* IOResult returns the value in InOutRes *) end else WriteByteToFile := 0; end; (* INT 21,40 - Write To File or Device Using Handle AH = 40h BX = file handle CX = number of bytes to write, a zero value truncates/extends the file to the current file position DS:DX = pointer to write buffer on return: AX = number of bytes written if CF not set = error code if CF set (see DOS ERROR CODES) - if AX is not equal to CX on return, a partial write occurred - this function can be used to truncate a file to the current file position by writing zero bytes *) {$F+} function StdOut(var f: textrec) : integer; far; {$F-} var p,err : integer; r : registers; begin if f.mode=fmclosed then begin StdOut := 103; exit; end; with F do begin for P := 0 to bufpos-1 do begin r.ah := $02; r.dl := ord(bufptr^[p]); msdos(R); end; BufPos:=0; end; StdOut:=0; end; {$F+} function SimultWrite(var f: textrec): integer; far; {$F-} var p,err : integer; begin if f.mode=fmclosed then begin SimultWrite := 103; exit; end; with F do begin for P := 0 to bufpos-1 do begin err := WriteByteToFile(Handle,BufPtr^[p]); if err<>0 then begin SimultWrite := Err; BufPos := P+1; exit; end; Write(OP,BufPtr^[p]); end; BufPos:=0; end; SimultWrite:=0; end; {$F+} function SimultOpen(var f: textrec): integer; far; {$F-} var P: integer; begin; case F.Mode of FMOutput : begin (* Rewrite *) if f.name[0]= #0 then begin F.InOutFunc:= @StdOut; F.FlushFunc:= @StdOut; end else begin r.ah := $3C; r.cx := $0000; r.ds := Seg(F.Name); r.dx := Ofs(F.Name); MsDos(R); if (R.flags and FCarry)<>0 then begin R.AH := $59; MsDos(R); SimultOpen := R.AX; exit; end; F.Handle := r.ax; (* INT 21,3C - Create File Using Handle AH = 3C CX = file attribute (see FILE ATTRIBUTES) DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ path name on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AX = files handle if successful = error code if failure (see DOS ERROR CODES) - if file already exists, it is truncated to zero bytes on opening *) F.InOutFunc:= @SimultWrite; F.FlushFunc:= @SimultWrite; end; F.BufPos:= 0; SimultOpen:= 0; end; FMInOut : begin (* Append *) f.mode := fmOutput; r.ah := $3d ; r.al := $01; r.cx := $0000; r.ds := Seg(F.Name); r.dx := Ofs(F.Name); MsDos(R); if (R.flags and FCarry)<>0 then begin R.AH := $59; MsDos(R); SimultOpen := R.ax; exit; end; F.Handle := r.ax; r.bx := r.ax; r.al := $02; R.ah := $42; r.cx := $0000; r.dx := $0001; (* Seek past EOF *) MsDos(R); if (r.flags and fcarry)<>0 then begin r.ah := $59; msdos(R); SimultOpen := R.AX; exit; end; (* INT 21,42 - Move File Pointer Using Handle AH = 42h AL = origin of move: 00 = beginning of file plus offset (SEEK_SET) 01 = current location plus offset (SEEK_CUR) 02 = end of file plus offset (SEEK_END) BX = file handle CX = high order word of number of bytes to move DX = low order word of number of bytes to move on return: AX = error code if CF set (see DOS ERROR CODES) DX:AX = new pointer location if CF not set - seeks to specified location in file INT 21, - Open File Using Handle AH = AL = open access mode 00 read only 01 write only 02 read/write DS:DX = pointer to an ASCIIZ file name = on return: AX = file handle if CF not set = error code if CF set (see DOS ERROR CODES) Access modes in AL: =B37=B36=B35=B34=B33=B32=B31=B30=B3 AL =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C1=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4 read/write/updat= e access mode =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 reserved, always = 0 =B3 =C0=C4=C1=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 sharing mode (= see below) (DOS 3.1+) =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 1 = private, = 0 = inheritable (DOS 3.1+) =0D Sharing mode bits (DOS 3.1+): Access mode bits: 654 210 000 compatibility mode (exclusive) 000 read access 001 deny others read/write access 001 write access 010 deny others write access 010 read/write access 011 deny others read access 100 full access permitted to all *) F.InOutFunc := @SimultWrite; F.FlushFunc := @SimultWrite; F.BufPos:= 0; SimultOpen:= 0; end; else SimultOpen := 12; (* Invalid file access code - you can only Rewrite= or Append this *) end; end; {$F+}function SimultClose(var F: textrec): integer; far; {$F-} var P: integer; begin; if f.mode= fmclosed then begin SimultClose := 103; exit; end; (* INT 21,3E - Close File Using Handle AH = 3E BX = file handle to close on return: AX = error code if CF set (see DOS ERROR CODES) - if file is opened for update, file time and date stamp as well as file size are updated in the directory - handle is freed =0D *) r.ah := $3E; r.bx := f.handle; MsDos(R); if (R.flags and fcarry)<>0 then begin r.ah := $59; MsDos(R); SimultClose := R.AX; exit; end; F.Mode := FMClosed; SimultClose:= 0; end; {$F+} procedure AssignSimult(var f : text;n : string); {$F-} begin with textrec(f) do begin Mode := fmClosed; Handle := $FFFF; Bufsize := SizeOf(Buffer); Bufpos := 0; Bufptr := @Buffer; OpenFunc := @SimultOpen; CloseFunc:= @SimultClose; if n[0]>#79 then n[0] := #79; (* Truncate the name down to 79 chars= *) Move(N[1],Name[0],79); Name[Length(N)] := #0; (* Name is null-terminated *) end; end; begin AssignCRT(OP); Rewrite(OP); end.