{ BO BendTSEN > There's already a methode For finding all available drives without > accessing them - I'd like to have one to get the volume Labels of the > harddisks, SUBST- and network-drives without waiting seconds While the > Program accesses all the 20 drives available in my system ... ;-) Try this, it will show any SUBST drives, if a \\ first in the name is returned you will have a network server name following. } Uses Dos; Function ResolvePath(Var s : String) : Boolean; Var r : Registers; x : Byte; begin ResolvePath := False; s := s + #0; r.ds := Seg(S); r.si := Ofs(S) + 1; r.es := Seg(S); r.di := Ofs(S) + 1; r.ah := $60; Intr($21, R); If r.flags and 1 = 1 Then Exit; { if ZF set then error } ResolvePath := True; x := 0; While (s[x + 1] <> #0) And (x < 128) Do Inc(x); s[0] := Chr(x); end; Var DriveName : String; begin DriveName := 'C'; Writeln(ResolvePath(DriveName)); Writeln(DriveName); end.