(* ========================================================================= Date: 10-02-93 (19:15) From: D.J. Murdoch Subj: Flashing The Disk Light ========================================================================= THIS IS SAFE !!!! All it does is turn the disk light ON/OFF. Should only be used on Floppy drives. *) USES Crt; procedure turn_on_motor(drive:byte); { Remember to wait about a half second before trying to read! } begin port[$3F2] := 12 + drive + 1 SHL (4 + drive); end; procedure turn_off_motor(drive:byte); { drive A = 0, drive B = 1 } begin port[$3F2] := 12 + drive; end; VAR I : BYTE; BEGIN FOR I := 1 TO 10 DO { let's make 'A' and 'B' flash for awhile } BEGIn Turn_On_Motor(0); Delay(100); Turn_Off_Motor(0); Delay(100); Turn_On_Motor(1); Delay(100); Turn_Off_Motor(1); Delay(100); END; END.