{ MAYNARD PHILBROOK > How can I look With a pascal-Program(I have TP7.0)in the boot-sector > of a disk and change them? } Uses Dos; Var Sector : Array [1..512] of Byte; Regs : Registers; Function Read_Boot_Sector(Var Drive : Byte) : Boolean; begin With Regs do begin AH := $02; { Function Number Read_Sector } AL := 1; { Number of Sectors to Read } CH := 1; { Cylender Number, Upper 2 Bits used For HD } CL := 0; { Bios use Zero base Numbers here } DH := 0; { Head Number or Side 0 = side 1 } DL := Drive; { 0 = A:, 1 := B: Floppys, Add $80 For Fisk Disk } ES := Seg(Sector); { Pass the Address of Buffer } BX := Ofs(Sector); Intr($13, Regs); { Call Bios Int ); } if Flags and $01 <> 0 Then Read_Boot_Sector := False else Read_Boot_Sector := True; end; end; begin if Read_Boot_Sector(0) Then WriteLn(' Got it ') else WriteLn(' Disk Error in reading '); end.