{ ERIC GIVLER > about, evidentally), are two different things. The serial > number is only accessible in Dos v4.0+, and (I think), you > have to use the FCBs to get it. No, no FCBs, see: } Uses Dos, Crt; Type MIDRecord = Record InfoLevel : Word; SerialNum : LongInt; {This is the serial number...} VolLabel : Array [1..11] of Char; FatType : Array [1..8] of Char; end; Function Label_Fat(Var Mid : MidRecord; Drive : Word) : Boolean; Var Result : Word; Regs : Registers; begin FillChar(Mid,SizeOf(Mid),0); FillChar(Regs,SizeOf(Regs),0); With Regs DO begin AX := $440D; BX := Drive; CX := $0866; DS := Seg(Mid); DX := Ofs(Mid); Intr($21,Regs); Case AX of $01 : Label_Fat := False; $02 : Label_Fat := False; $05 : Label_Fat := False; else Label_Fat := True; end; end; end; Var Mid : MidRecord; begin ClrScr; if Label_Fat(Mid,0) Then With Mid DO begin Writeln(SerialNum); Writeln(VolLabel); Writeln(FatType); end else Writeln('Error Occured'); end.