{ JM>Would you happen to have any example code to determine if a drive is a JM>hard disk, cd-rom, ramdrive etc. ? Here is a unit that will at least tell you a little about the CD-ROM. Not all MSCDEX functions are implemented, but enough to identify the CD-ROMS. } unit CDROM; {$X+} { Extended Syntax Rules } interface type CDR_DL_ENTRY = record UNITNO : byte; OFFSET : word; SEGMENT : word; end; CDR_DL_BUFFER = array[1..26] of CDR_DL_ENTRY; CDR_DRIVE_UNITS = array[0..25] of byte; CDR_VTOC = array[1..2048] of byte; { 00h } procedure CDR_GET_DRIVE_COUNT (var COUNT, FIRST: word); { 01h } procedure CDR_GET_DRIVE_LIST (var LIST: CDR_DL_BUFFER); { 02h } function CDR_GET_COPR_NAME (DRIVE: byte): string; { 03h } function CDR_GET_ABSTRACT_NAME (DRIVE: byte): string; { 04h } function CDR_GET_BIBLIO_NAME (DRIVE: byte): string; { 05h Read VTOC } { 06h Reserved } { 07h Reserved } { 08h Absolute Disk Read } { 09h Absolute Disk Write } { 0ah Reserved } { 0bh } function CDR_DRIVE_CHECK (DRIVE: byte): boolean; { 0ch } function CDR_VERSION: word; { 0dh } procedure CDR_GET_DRIVE_UNITS (var BUFFER: CDR_DRIVE_UNITS); { 0eh Get or Set VDR } { 0fh Get Dir Entry } { 10h Send Device Request } implementation uses dos, strings; const CDROM_INTERRUPT = $2f; var REG : registers; procedure CDR_GET_DRIVE_COUNT (var COUNT, FIRST: word); assembler; { Returns the total number of CD-ROM Drives in the system } { and the logical drive number of the first drive. } { In a system that contains multiple CD-ROM Drives and is } { also networked, the CD-ROM drives might not be assigned } { as consecutive logical units. See also MSCDEX Function } { 0Dh (Get CD-ROM Drive Letters) } asm mov ax, 1500h xor bx, bx int CDROM_INTERRUPT les di, COUNT mov es:[di], bx les di, FIRST mov es:[di], cx end; procedure CDR_GET_DRIVE_LIST (var LIST: CDR_DL_BUFFER); assembler; { Returns a driver unit identifier for each CD-ROM drive } { in the system, along with the address of the header for } { the device driver that controls the drive. } { The driver unit code returned in the buffer is not the } { systemwide logical drive identifier but is the relative } { unit for that particular driver. For example if three } { CD-ROM drivers are installed, each supporting one phy- } { sical drive, the driver unit code in each 5 byte entry } { will be 0. The systemwide drive identifiers for each } { CD-ROM unit can be obtained with MSCDEX Function 0Dh } { (Get CD-ROM Drive Letters). } asm mov ax, 1501h les bx, LIST int CDROM_INTERRUPT end; function CDR_GET_COPR_NAME (DRIVE: byte): string; { Returns the name of the copyright file from the volume } { table of contents (VTOC) of the specified CD-ROM Drive. } { CD-ROM Specs allow for a 31 character filename followed } { by a semicolon (;) and a 5 digit version number. } { On disks that comply with the High Sierra standard, } { the filename has an MS-DOS compatable (8/3) format. } var BUFFER : array[0..38] of char; begin REG.AX := $1502; REG.CX := DRIVE; REG.ES := seg(BUFFER); REG.BX := ofs(BUFFER); intr(CDROM_INTERRUPT, REG); CDR_GET_COPR_NAME := strpas(BUFFER); end; function CDR_GET_ABSTRACT_NAME (DRIVE: byte): string; { Returns the name of the abstract file from the volume } { table of contents (VTOC) for the specified CD-ROM drive.} { CD-ROM Specs allow for a 31 character filename followed } { by a semicolon (;) and a 5 digit version number. } { On disks that comply with the High Sierra standard, } { the filename has an MS-DOS compatable (8/3) format. } var BUFFER : array[0..38] of char; begin REG.AX := $1503; REG.CX := DRIVE; REG.ES := seg(BUFFER); REG.BX := ofs(BUFFER); intr(CDROM_INTERRUPT, REG); CDR_GET_ABSTRACT_NAME := strpas(BUFFER); end; function CDR_GET_BIBLIO_NAME (DRIVE: byte): string; { Returns the name if the bibliographic file from the } { volume table of contents (VTOC) for the specified drive.} { CD-ROM Specs allow for a 31 character filename followed } { by a semicolon (;) and a 5 digit version number. } { This function is provided for compatability with the } { ISO-9660 standard. A null string is returned for disks } { complying with the High Sierra standard. } var BUFFER : array[0..38] of char; begin REG.AX := $1504; REG.CX := DRIVE; REG.ES := seg(BUFFER); REG.BX := ofs(BUFFER); intr(CDROM_INTERRUPT, REG); CDR_GET_BIBLIO_NAME := strpas(BUFFER); end; function CDR_DRIVE_CHECK (DRIVE: byte): boolean; { Returns a code indicating whether a particular logical } { unit is supported by the Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions } { module (MSCDEX). } begin REG.AX := $150b; REG.BX := $0000; REG.CX := DRIVE; intr(CDROM_INTERRUPT, REG); CDR_DRIVE_CHECK := (REG.AX <> $0000) and (REG.BX = $adad); end; function CDR_VERSION: word; { Returns the version number of the Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions } { The Major Version number is returned in the High Order byte } { and the Minor Version Number is returned in the Lo order } { byte. IE if the MSCDEX Version is 2.10, this routine will } { return $0210. } begin REG.AX := $150c; REG.BX := $0000; intr(CDROM_INTERRUPT, REG); { Version 1.0 Returns 0 instead of actual Version Number } { So we will fix it so that this routine returns 1.0 } if REG.BX = 0 then begin CDR_VERSION := $0100; end else begin CDR_VERSION := REG.BX; end; end; procedure CDR_GET_DRIVE_UNITS(var BUFFER: CDR_DRIVE_UNITS); assembler; { Returns a list of the systemwide logical drive identifers } { that are assigned to CD-ROM drives. } { Upon return the buffer contains a series of 1 byte entries. } { Each entry is a logical unit code assigned to a CD-ROM drive } { (0 = A, 1 = B, etc); the units might not be consecutive. } { The number of valid entries can be determined by MSCDEX } { function 00h. } asm mov ax, 150dh les bx, BUFFER int CDROM_INTERRUPT end; end.