{ This program uses a proc from my pascal library that I use to get true names. Written and tested with tp4 should work with any tp and dos 3.1+ gm 05/94 } uses dos; {--05/93 gary a. mays --} { this procedure uses the undocumented dos function $60 to fetch the canonical name of a file or path specification } procedure canonicalize(path: string; var canonical: string; var stat: word); var regs : registers; i : integer; bytes : byte absolute canonical; begin with regs do begin stat := 0; ah := $60; path := path + chr(0); { convert to asciz } ds := seg(path[1]); { asciz name } si := ofs(path[1]); es := seg(canonical[1]);{ points to 128 byte result buffer } di := ofs(canonical[1]);{ result is asciz } msdos(regs); { returns canonical name: does not have to exist... } if flags and fcarry > 0 then stat := ax else begin bytes := 0; while canonical[bytes + 1] <> #0 do inc(bytes); {conv to ascii} { not tested on a network - this test will fail on net drive } if canonical[2] <> ':' then { bad because of bad path } stat := 3; end; end; end; {canonicalize} var stat : word; path : string; canonical : string; begin if paramstr(1) = '' then path := '.' else path := paramstr(1); canonicalize(path, canonical, stat); case stat of 0: writeln(canonical); 2: writeln('Invalid path: ',path); 3: writeln('Invalid drive or malformed path: ',path); else writeln('Status: ',stat,' for ',path); end; {case} end. IL> I'm looking for an equivalent to the DOS command TRUENAME. Here's an program TruePath; uses OpString,DOS; var OldName, NewName : String; RegisterSet : Registers; Begin OldName:=ParamStr(1); OldName[Length(OldName)+1] := #0; NewName[0] := #0; With RegisterSet do Begin AH := $60; AL := 0; DS := Seg(OldName[1]); SI := Ofs(OldName[1]); ES := Seg(NewName[1]); DI := Ofs(NewName[1]); End; MsDos(RegisterSet); If Odd(RegisterSet.Flags) Then Writeln('Failure ',RegisterSet.AX) (* failure code *) Else Begin NewName[0]:=#255; NewName[0]:=Chr(Pos(#0,NewName)); Writeln(NewName); End; End.