{ From: regis@alpha2.csd.uwm.edu (Joseph William Metcalf) There are been a couple posts looking for a way to read the device name for CD audio play functions, so here it is (tested under TP7): } type DRIVELIST=Record unitcode:byte; doffset,dsegment:word; end; var CDDL:DriveList; function GetDriverName:string; var CDNTemp:array[1..18] of byte; where:pointer; count:byte; CDSTemp:string[8]; begin asm mov ax,1501h mov bx,OFFSET CDDL mov dx,SEG CDDL mov es,dx int 2fh end; where:=ptr(CDDL.dsegment,CDDL.doffset); move(where^,CDNTEMP,18); count:=1; repeat CDStemp[count]:=chr(cdntemp[10+count]); inc(count); until (count>8) or (cdntemp[10+count]=32); cdstemp[0]:=chr(count-1); getdrivername:=cdstemp; end; { This uses the MSCDEX function 1501h (Int 2fh) to read the drivelist and segment/offset of the device driver header. Device name is 10 bytes into the header, max 8 characters, padded with spaces if the name is less than 8 characters. } begin Writeln(GetDriverName); end.