{ -> I am searching for information on how to access the Fat table and -> boot sectors through Turbo Pascal v6.0. If anyone knows a book that -> could point me in the right direction, or would be willing to share -> some knowledge with me I'd appreciate it. Thanx. Here's some source to help you out: } (*** BEGINS HERE ***) (*********************************************************************** *** * This is a simple source to demonstrate how to read the File Allocation Table (FAT) and get some information on the current drive. This was written by David Mart, using TP7.0 NOTE: DOS 2.0 or higher is required. If you have any questions, you can contact me by calling Programmers Online Systems at 416-512-1928 or simply send me a netmail via FidoNet to: 1:250/738. ************************************************************************ **) Program ReadFAT; Uses DOS,CRT; Var MyRegs : Registers; ClusterSize : Real; DiskSize : Real; Begin LowVideo; ClrScr; Fillchar (MyRegs, sizeof(Registers), 00); MyRegs.AH := $30; MyRegs.DS := DSeg; MsDOS (MyRegs); Fillchar (MyRegs, sizeof(Registers), 00); MyRegs.AH := $1B; MyRegs.DS := DSeg; MsDOS (MyRegs); WriteLn; WriteLn ('Information for current drive: '); WriteLn; With MyRegs Do Begin WriteLn ('Clusters on disk : ', DX); WriteLn ('Sectors p/Cluster : ', AL); WriteLn ('Sector Size (Bytes) : ', CX); WriteLn; ClusterSize := (AL * CX); DiskSize := (ClusterSize * DX); WriteLn ('Cluster Size (Bytes): ', Round(ClusterSize)); WriteLn ('Disk Space (Bytes) : ', Round(DiskSize)); End; End.