{please use only on floppy. It reads sector 0 which is the boot sector for a floppy and the partition table for a hard disk. It never writes to disk anyways.... } program readboot; uses dos, crt; type boot_structure = record jmp_instruction : array[1..3] of byte; oem_name : array[1..8] of char; bytes_per_sector : word; sectors_per_cluster : byte; reserved_sectors : word; fat_copies : byte; root_entries : word; total_sectors : word; media_descriptor : byte; sectors_per_fat : word; sectors_per_track : word; number_of_heads : word; hidden_sectors : word; total_sector_fixed : array[1..2] of word; drive_number : byte; reserved : byte; ext_boot_sig : byte; serial_number : array[1..2] of word; volume_name : array[1..11] of char; file_system_id : array[1..8] of char; boot_program_code : array[1..450] of char; signature_bytes : array[1..2] of byte; end; var bootbuf : boot_structure; ch : char; arg : string; drive : byte; result : word; { for this procedure.. its in ASM ( doesn't make it any faster.. :) ) VAR BUF can either be an array, pointer or record DRIVE is the drive number ( A=0, B=1 etc ) NUMBER is the number of sectors to read LOGICAL is the sector to which to start reading } procedure absread( var buf; drive : byte; number, logical : word ); assembler; asm push bp push ds xor ax,ax mov result,ax mov al,drive mov cx,number mov dx,logical lds bx,buf int 25h { you can change to 26h to write to disk } pop bx pop ds pop bp jnb @1 mov result,ax @1: end; procedure commandline_help; begin writeln('Usage: Readboot < drive > '); halt; end; procedure commandline; var regs : registers; begin case paramcount of 1 : begin arg := paramstr( 1 ); ch := arg[ 1 ]; ch := upcase( ch ); if ch in [ #65..#90 ] then drive := ord( ch ) - 65; regs.AH := $36; regs.DL := drive + 1; msdos( regs ); if regs.AX = $FFFF then begin writeln('Drive ', ch, ':\ does not exist!'); halt; end; end; else commandline_help; end; end; procedure display_boot; begin with bootbuf do begin write('OEM Name......... : ':30 ); highvideo; writeln( oem_name ); normvideo; write('Bytes Per Sector. : ':30 ); highvideo; writeln( bytes_per_sector ); normvideo; { etc, etc.... } end; end; begin commandline; absread( bootbuf, drive, 1, 0 ); display_boot; end. Here's the structure of the boot sector { DOS Volume Boot Sector Format [DVB] Offset Size Description 00h 3 BYTEs jump instruction to boot program code 03h 8 BYTEs OEM name and DOS version ("IBM 4.0") 0Bh 1 WORD bytes per sector( usually 512 ) 0Dh 1 BYTE sectors per cluster( must be power of 2 ) 0Eh 1 WORD reserved sectors( boot sectors - usually 1 ) 10h 1 BYTE FAT copies ( usually 2 ) 11h 1 WORD maximum root diretory entries ( usually 512 ) 13h 1 WORD total sectors( if partition <= 32M, else 0 ) 15h 1 BYTE media descriptor byte ( F8h for hard disks ) 16h 1 WORD sectors per FAT 18h 1 WORD sectors per track 1Ah 1 WORD number of heads 1Ch 1 DWORD hidden sectors(if partition <= 32M, 1 word only) The following information is for DOS 4.0 and later version else 00h: 20h 1 DWORD total sectos( if partition > 32M, else 0 ) 24h 1 BYTE physical drive number (00h=floppy, 80h=fixed) 25h 1 BYTE reserved( 00h ) 26h 1 BYTE extended boot record signature( 29h ) 27h 1 DWORD volume serial number 2Bh 11 BYTEs volume label("NO NAME " stored if no label) 36h 8 BYTEs file system ID ("FAT12 " or "FAT16 ") The following information applies to all DOS versions: 3Eh 450 BYTEs Boot program code 1FEh 2 BYTEs signature bytes ( 55AAh ) } please use only on floppy. It reads sector 0 which is the boot sector for a floppy and the partition table for a hard disk. It never writes to disk anyways.... It will read the boot sector from a floppy and display it. ___------------------< Cut here >----------------------------------------- program readboot; uses dos, crt; type boot_structure = record jmp_instruction : array[1..3] of byte; oem_name : array[1..8] of char; bytes_per_sector : word; sectors_per_cluster : byte; reserved_sectors : word; fat_copies : byte; root_entries : word; total_sectors : word; media_descriptor : byte; sectors_per_fat : word; sectors_per_track : word; number_of_heads : word; hidden_sectors : word; total_sector_fixed : array[1..2] of word; drive_number : byte; reserved : byte; ext_boot_sig : byte; serial_number : array[1..2] of word; volume_name : array[1..11] of char; file_system_id : array[1..8] of char; boot_program_code : array[1..450] of char; signature_bytes : array[1..2] of byte; end; var bootbuf : boot_structure; ch : char; arg : string; drive : byte; result : word; { for this procedure.. its in ASM ( doesn't make it any faster.. :) ) VAR BUF can either be an array, pointer or record DRIVE is the drive number ( A=0, B=1 etc ) NUMBER is the number of sectors to read LOGICAL is the sector to which to start reading } procedure absread( var buf; drive : byte; number, logical : word ); assembler; asm push bp push ds xor ax,ax mov result,ax mov al,drive mov cx,number mov dx,logical lds bx,buf int 25h { you can change to 26h to write to disk } pop bx pop ds pop bp jnb @1 mov result,ax @1: end; procedure commandline_help; begin writeln('Usage: Readboot < drive > '); halt; end; procedure commandline; var regs : registers; begin case paramcount of 1 : begin arg := paramstr( 1 ); ch := arg[ 1 ]; ch := upcase( ch ); if ch in [ #65..#90 ] then drive := ord( ch ) - 65; regs.AH := $36; regs.DL := drive + 1; msdos( regs ); if regs.AX = $FFFF then begin writeln('Drive ', ch, ':\ does not exist!'); halt; end; end; else commandline_help; end; end; procedure display_boot; begin with bootbuf do begin write('OEM Name......... : ':30 ); highvideo; writeln( oem_name ); normvideo; write('Bytes Per Sector. : ':30 ); highvideo; writeln( bytes_per_sector ); normvideo; { etc, etc.... } end; end; begin commandline; absread( bootbuf, drive, 1, 0 ); display_boot; end.