{==========================================================================} { CDDrive - an interface to the CD-ROM device driver. } {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Copyright (c) 1996 C.J.Rankin CJRankin@VossNet.Co.UK } { } { This unit provides an elementary interface for controlling a CD-ROM } { in TP6+. It has been left open-ended so that, if you wish, it can be } { extended to provide a more comprehensive range of CD-ROM functions. } { } { Note that in its current form, it will *only* recognise the first CD-ROM } { in the system- not a problem for most of us. } { } {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} { } { Note: Windows 95 uses a protected mode CD-ROM driver and interface } { (MSCDEX v2.95). As a result, the standard way of requesting IOCTL } { functions of opening a file handle to the driver using Assign() } { and Reset() and then calling DOS services AX=$4402/$4403 DOES NOT } { WORK: DOS cannot open the CD-ROM driver in the DOS driver-list and } { so opens a new file on the hard disc instead. } { } {==========================================================================} {$A-,B-,D+,F-,G+,I-,L+,O+,R-,S-,V-,X+} unit CDDrive; interface const ex_CDROMUnknownUnit = 1; ex_CDROMUnready = 2; ex_CDROMUnknownCommand = 3; ex_CDROMCRCError = 4; ex_CDROMBadReqStrucLen = 5; ex_CDROMBadSeek = 6; ex_CDROMUnknownMedia = 7; ex_CDROMUnknownSector = 8; ex_CDROMReadError = 11; ex_CDROMGeneralFailure = 12; ex_CDROMMediaUnavailable = 14; ex_CDROMInvalidDiscChange = 15; const MaxCDROM = 26; type TCDROMIndex = 1..MaxCDROM; TCDROMLetter = 0..MaxCDROM-1; TCDROMNumber = 0..MaxCDROM; { } { These are the explicit CD-ROM services provided by the unit } { } procedure Eject; (* Eject CD-ROM *) procedure Close; (* Close CD-ROM tray *) procedure Lock; (* Lock CD-ROM drive *) procedure Unlock; (* Unlock CD-ROM drive *) procedure Reset; (* Reinitialise CD-ROM: i.e. as if disc was changed. *) function GetNumberOfCDROMDrives: TCDROMNumber; function GetCDROMVersion: word; { } { Templates for CD-ROM service requests. To implement another device } { or IOCTL request, create a descendant object with the requisite extra } { fields and pass it to the appropriate requestor function. } { } type PDeviceRequest = ^TDeviceRequest; TDeviceRequest = object HeaderLength: byte; SubUnit: byte; CommandCode: byte; Status: word; Reserved: array[1..8] of byte; end; PIOCTLRequest = ^TIOCTLRequest; TIOCTLRequest = object SubFn: byte; end; TRequestFunc = function(var Request: TDeviceRequest): word; { } { This constitutes the interface to the driver, enabling further functions } { to be added if desired. The return value is the driver's Status word: } { Status Word: Bit 15: Error flag. If set then Bits 0-7 are error code } { Bit 8: Request done flag. } { Bit 9: Device busy flag. } { } function DriverRequest_v210(var Request: TDeviceRequest): word; function DriverBasicRequest(var Request: TDeviceRequest): word; function IOCTLInput(var Request: TIOCTLRequest; ReqLen: word): word; function IOCTLOutput(var Request: TIOCTLRequest; ReqLen: word): word; { } { Errors are returned in this variable: the values are explained above ... } { } var CDROMError: byte; { } { DriverRequest_v210 enables CD-ROM driver requests for MSCDEX v2.10+. For } { earlier versions of MSCDEX, DriverBasicRequest is used instead. The } { appropriate function is assigned to the following procedural variable. } { } var DriverRequest: TRequestFunc; implementation uses DOS; type TDrvName = array[1..8] of char; PCDROMDriver = ^TCDROMDriver; TCDROMDriver = record NextDriver: PCDROMDriver; DeviceAttr: word; StrategyEntryPoint: word; INTEntryPoint: word; DeviceName: TDrvName; Reserved: word; DriveLetter: TCDROMNumber; Units: byte end; TCDROMDriveEntry = record SubUnit: byte; CDROMDriver: PCDROMDriver end; type PDeviceIOCTLRequest = ^TDeviceIOCTLRequest; TDeviceIOCTLRequest = object(TDeviceRequest) Media: byte; BufPtr: pointer; BufLen: byte; end; type TCDROMLock = (CDROM_Unlocked, CDROM_Locked); PCDROMLockRequest = ^TCDROMLockRequest; TCDROMLockRequest = object(TIOCTLRequest) LockStatus: TCDROMLock; end; var Regs: Registers; var NumberOfCDROMDrives: TCDROMNumber; var CDROMDriveLetter: array[TCDROMIndex] of TCDROMLetter; var CDROMDriverStrategyEntryPoint: procedure; var CDROMDriverINTEntryPoint: procedure; { } { This is the interface to the CD-ROM driver. The assumption here is that } { we are only dealing with the first CD-ROM drive in the system- not a } { problem to us mere mortals who only HAVE one CD-ROM... } { } function DriverRequest_v210(var Request: TDeviceRequest): word; begin with Regs do begin ax := $1510; es := Seg(Request); bx := Ofs(Request); cx := CDROMDriveLetter[1]; (* Letter of CD-ROM drive: A=0,B=1,C=2... *) Intr($2f,Regs) end; with Request do begin if Status and (1 shl 15) <> 0 then (* Check the error flag...*) CDROMError := lo(Status) (* ... return the error *) else CDROMError := 0; (* ... return `no error' *) DriverRequest_v210 := Status end end; { } { This method of calling CD-ROM driver functions should work for all } { versions of MSCDEX. Again, assume that there is only 1 CD-ROM ... } { } function DriverBasicRequest(var Request: TDeviceRequest): word; begin with Request do begin SubUnit := 0; (* Only 1 CD-ROM, so it must be driver sub-unit 0 *) asm LES BX, [BP+OFFSET Request] end; CDROMDriverStrategyEntryPoint; CDROMDriverINTEntryPoint; if Status and (1 shl 15) <> 0 then (* Check the error flag...*) CDROMError := lo(Status) (* ... return the error *) else CDROMError := 0; (* ... return `no error' *) DriverBasicRequest := Status end end; { } { The CDROM driver can be asked to do LOTS of things; the IOCTL requests } { are only a very small part. In theory you could descend other buffers } { from TDeviceRequest, fill in the HeaderLength, CommandCode and any new } { fields and send them off to DriverRequest for execution... } { } function IOCTLOutput(var Request: TIOCTLRequest; ReqLen: word): word; var DeviceRequestHeader: TDeviceIOCTLRequest; begin (* Descendant of TDeviceRequest *) with DeviceRequestHeader do begin HeaderLength := SizeOf(DeviceRequestHeader); CommandCode := $0C; BufPtr := @Request.SubFn; (* These fields added to TDeviceRequest *) BufLen := ReqLen (* for IOCTL commands... *) end; IOCTLOutput := DriverRequest(DeviceRequestHeader) end; function IOCTLInput(var Request: TIOCTLRequest; ReqLen: word): word; var DeviceRequestHeader: TDeviceIOCTLRequest; begin (* Descendant of TDeviceRequest *) with DeviceRequestHeader do begin HeaderLength := SizeOf(DeviceRequestHeader); CommandCode := $03; BufPtr := @Request.SubFn; (* These fields added to TDeviceRequest *) BufLen := ReqLen (* for IOCTL commands... *) end; IOCTLInput := DriverRequest(DeviceRequestHeader) end; { } { Yes, I COULD have just put NumberOfCDROMDrives in the interface section, } { except that this number is important and I don't want users `fiddling' } { with it. :-) } { } function GetNumberOfCDROMDrives: TCDROMNumber; begin GetNumberOfCDROMDrives := NumberOfCDROMDrives end; { } { The mechanism used to perform device driver requests depends on the } { version of MSCDEX, so we need a method of finding this out. } { } function GetCDROMVersion: word; begin with Regs do begin bx := 0; ax := $150c; Intr($2f,Regs); GetCDROMVersion := bx (* Hi byte = Major version number *) end (* Lo byte = Minor version number *) end; procedure Eject; var Request: TIOCTLRequest; begin if NumberOfCDROMDrives > 0 then with Request do begin SubFn := 00; (* IOCTL command code for Eject... *) IOCTLOutput(Request,SizeOf(Request)) end end; procedure Reset; var Request: TIOCTLRequest; begin if NumberOfCDROMDrives > 0 then with Request do begin SubFn := 02; (* IOCTL command code to reset the CD-ROM drive *) IOCTLOutput(Request,SizeOf(Request)) end end; procedure Close; var Request: TIOCTLRequest; begin if NumberOfCDROMDrives > 0 then with Request do begin SubFn := 05; (* IOCTL command code to close the CD-ROM drive *) IOCTLOutput(Request,SizeOf(Request)) end end; { { This routine seems to require a CD in the drive. Otherwise it returns } { CDROMError = 2 (on my machine anyway...) } { } procedure Lock; var Request: TCDROMLockRequest; begin if NumberOfCDROMDrives > 0 then with Request do begin SubFn := 01; (* ... locking the CDROM... *) LockStatus := CDROM_Locked; IOCTLOutput(Request,SizeOf(Request)) end end; procedure Unlock; var Request: TCDROMLockRequest; begin if NumberOfCDROMDrives > 0 then with Request do begin SubFn := 01; (* ... and unlocking ... *) LockStatus := CDROM_Unlocked; IOCTLOutput(Request,SizeOf(Request)) end end; { } { Store the Strategy and Interrupt Entry Points for the CD-ROM device } { driver... Again, assume that there is only 1 CD-ROM drive, and so } { SubUnit will always = 0 } { } procedure SetUpEntryPoints; var CDDriveList: array[TCDROMIndex] of TCDROMDriveEntry; begin with Regs do begin ax := $1501; es := Seg(CDDriveList); bx := Ofs(CDDriveList); Intr($2f,Regs) end; with CDDriveList[1] do begin @CDROMDriverStrategyEntryPoint := Ptr(Seg(CDROMDriver^),CDROMDriver^.StrategyEntryPoint); @CDROMDriverINTEntryPoint := Ptr(Seg(CDROMDriver^),CDROMDriver^.INTEntryPoint) end end; { } { Initialisation code: neither the number of CD-ROM drives nor their drive } { letters will change during execution, so we shall identify the drives } { NOW and not do it again. } { } begin { } { Get number of CD-ROMs in the system ... } { } with Regs do begin ax := $1500; bx := 0; Intr($2f,Regs); NumberOfCDROMDrives := bl; { } { Get the drive-letters for CD-ROMSs... There is an MSCDEX function to do } { this for v2.00+, viz AX=$150D INT $2F. However we are assuming only one } { CD-ROM and so the drive letter has already been determined. } { } if NumberOfCDROMDrives > 0 then begin CDROMDriveLetter[1] := cl; { } { Determine the entry points for direct device-driver requests... } { } SetUpEntryPoints; { } { Determine which mechanism to use for CD-ROM driver requests ... } { } if GetCDROMVersion < 2*256 + 10 then DriverRequest := DriverBasicRequest else DriverRequest := DriverRequest_v210 end end end. { ---------------------- DEMO PROGRAM ----------------------- } {$A+,B-,D+,E-,F-,G+,I+,L+,N-,O-,R-,S-,V-,X+} {$M 16384,0,655360} program CDDemo; uses CDDrive; var Version: word; begin if GetNumberOfCDROMDrives = 0 then writeln( 'This machine has no CD-ROM drive.' ) else begin Version := GetCDROMVersion; writeln( 'MSCDEX v', hi(Version), '.', lo(Version) ); Lock; writeln( 'Lock: Error = ', CDROMError ); Unlock; writeln( 'Unlock: Error = ', CDROMError ); Eject; writeln( 'Eject: Error = ', CDROMError ); Close; writeln( 'Close: Error = ', CDROMError ); Reset; writeln( 'Reset: Error = ', CDROMError ) end end.