{ >How do I compile a Graphic Program With the Graph included. I think what you'd like to be included in your EXE File are the BGI drivers ; here is a sample code to include the EGAVGA.BGI driver in your EXE : } Unit EgaVga; Interface Uses Graph; Implementation {$L EgaVga} Procedure DriverEgaVga; External; begin If RegisterBGIDriver(@DriverEgaVga)<0 Then Halt(1); end. { What you need to do is just include the Unit in your 'Uses' statement. Well, prior to do this, you'll need to enter the following command at the Dos prompt : BinObj EGAVGA.BGI EGAVGA.Obj DriverEgaVga You cand do the same For the other .BGI Files, and even For the .CHR (font) Files -just replacing RegisterBGIDriver With RegisterBGIFont, I think. }